Endearing Memories Of the Parsi New Year


July 28, 2011

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The Kadmi New Year went by a few days ago. The Shehenshai New Year is less than a month away. The Parsi New Year has traditionally been a day of celebration. Visits to the fire temple, new clothes, family gatherings, scrumptious food, entertainment and what have you.

What are your most endearing memories of the “Parsi Navu Varas”….from the years gone by.

Leading up to the Parsi New Year on August 19th, 2011, Parsi Khabar would like to run a series of posts on this theme.

Readers are encouraged to put down their thoughts and we will run them as a series of posts on the website.

You can email your thoughts to us directly at news@parsikhabar.net or use the “Contact Us” page and write there directly.

Also include a short two line bio about yourself, what you do and where you are living.

If you would like to remain anonymous, that is OK too.

Pass the word around, and we hope to get a large collective of memories of this happy day.