Our dear friend and eminent author and Zoroastrian researcher Firoza Punthakey Mistree informs us about the limited edition book on the life of Vada Dasturji Firoze M. Kotwal
A Must for Everyone Interested in
Zoroastrianism and its People, Edited by Firoza Punthakey Mistree and Cashmira Vatcha Bengalli, the volume combines 19 selected articles on the Zoroastrian religion and its ritual practices and includes a 340 page Biography covering Dastur Kotwal’s early
childhood and his rise as a learned High Priest in the
world of academia.
It gives an insider’s view on the disputes and controversies that have mired the community for over forty years.
Dastur Kotwal’s opinions on matters of religion have
shaped decision making in the community and have
illumined the core of what is considered sacred and inviolable by the Parsis and Iranis of India.
It is a great resource for the future study of the faith.
Available at Zoroastrian Studies Rs 3500.
For further information please contact Tel: +91-22-22047990 (Mon-Fri 11am-5.30pm) or Email: zstudies@gmail.com