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Renowned Industrialist and Philanthropist Darius Forbes Passes Away at 97

At Parsi Khabar we are saddened to hear about the passing away of Darius Forbes. Our condolences to the entire family and his friends and loved ones.

Here is an 2011 article on Darius Forbes that talks about his work, life and legacy.

Darius Forbes, the visionary founder of Forbes Marshall Group, breathed his last on Friday at the age of 97. A trailblazer in the field of industrial entrepreneurship and a staunch advocate of philanthropy, Forbes leaves behind an indelible legacy. Notably, he was a founding member of the esteemed Center for Advancement of Philanthropy (CAP).

Rahul Dolare | Punekarnews

Born in 1926, Forbes embarked on his professional journey at the age of 19, joining JN Marshall. Driven by a spirit of innovation and determination, he eventually ventured into independent business endeavors, fostering partnerships with British enterprises. In due course, he established his own manufacturing unit in Pune, which marked the beginning of a remarkable expansion trajectory. The Forbes Marshall Group’s influence and success grew steadily under his astute leadership. He is survived by his two sons, Farhad and Naushad.

Daryas M. Forbes played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Center for Advancement of Philanthropy. Fondly remembering Forbes’ contributions, Noshir Dadrawala emphasized that Forbes’ influence was integral to shaping the organization. In a remarkable display of commitment, he offered office space within his own company premises in Mumbai to the institute. Known for his thoughtfulness and encouragement, Forbes believed in the practical manifestation of social responsibility, rather than mere rhetoric. His ethos set a precedent that inspired other enterprises to follow suit, leading to a positive shift in corporate ethos.

The passing of Darius Forbes is mourned not only by the industrial and philanthropic sectors but also by the community at large. His visionary leadership, commitment to social progress, and unwavering dedication to philanthropy have left an indelible mark on the landscape of business and charitable initiatives.

Noshir H Dadrawala writes…

Regret to announce the passing away of Mr. Darius M Forbes the Founder of the Forbes Marshall Group of Companies and also one of the key Founding member of the Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy (CAP).

He, along with Late Russi Lala (Former Director of the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust) and Late R R Chari (former Commissioner of Income Tax) shaped my destiny while I was still in my mid twenties.

Mr. Forbes played a key role in the early development of CAP. Besides supporting it financially, he provided CAP with free office space at his company’s Bombay office for the first twelve years of its existence.

To me personally, he was a thoughtful, encouraging and loving mentor.

He used to share amazing stories of his early struggles in life which continue to inspire me.

He not only talked about but practiced CSR decades before Corporate India picked it up and later became mandatory under the Indian Companies Act 2013.

He was also fond of the arts and culture and deeply rooted in family values.

There is much I have learned from him and for which I remain grateful

He has left behind a huge legacy of good will and sound values which we all will continue to cherish.

People, like Darius Forbes will continue to live through the philanthropic works he initiated in his lifetime and which his loving and caring family will continue.

Sir, you will be missed by so many of us who owe so much to you.

Thank you Sir and goodbye Sir!

Gratitude and Respect – Always!

Noshir H Dadrawala

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