4th World Zoroastrian Youth Congress, Ballarat, Australia


December 25, 2007

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Blog News

Parsi Khabar is proud to say that one of our very own authors, Mehernaaz Sam Wadia shall be in attendance at the 4th World Zoroastrian Youth Congress. She forms part of a large bunch of youth from Bombay who shall be present at the Congress.

Mehernaaz is a practising lawyer in Mumbai, India. When not fighting legal battles for her clients in the courts of law, Mehernaaz is involved in the Girl Guiding movement. She participates in public forums on matters concerning the Parsi community and expresses strong opinion on the state of our community today.

Mehernaaz has promised to send updates, photographs and tidbits from the conference, internet accessibility permitting.

So stay tuned for the same.

If you are attending the Congress and would like to meet up with Mehernaaz, leave your details in the comments section below.

Technorati tags: 4th WZYC, World Zoroastrian Youth Congress, Ballarat, , Zoroastrian


  1. Shiraz Mistry

    I met Mehernaz Sam Wadia. :)

  2. Shiraz Mistry

    I met Mehernaz Sam Wadia. :)