High priests to run affairs of Doongerwadi


August 3, 2011

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Affairs at the Doongerwadi or Tower of Silence will soon be under the direct purview of the high priests of the Parsi community. The decision was taken at a meeting of the trust on July 19. For the past

two years, the 55-acre Doongerwadi was reportedly being managed by a trustee considered to be from an orthodox group.

Original post here


  1. viraf

    Is this applicable to all sites?Why not paste the rules and regulations. 

  2. viraf

    Is this applicable to all sites?Why not paste the rules and regulations. 

  3. viraf

    Is this applicable to all sites?Why not paste the rules and regulations. 

  4. viraf

    Is this applicable to all sites?Why not paste the rules and regulations. 

  5. xyz

    Excellent Decision. Things will definetely improve now. I do not understand why this article was printed in Crime Column in DNA Newspaper. Just Joking.

  6. xyz

    Excellent Decision. Things will definetely improve now. I do not understand why this article was printed in Crime Column in DNA Newspaper. Just Joking.

  7. xyz

    Excellent Decision. Things will definetely improve now. I do not understand why this article was printed in Crime Column in DNA Newspaper. Just Joking.

  8. Barak Aga

    This is nothing but a belated and half-hearted attempt at scuttling the court case filed by eminent Zoroastrians against the BPP’s ban on the two priests. The BPP will now try to wash its hands off the issue saying Dongerwadi now falls under the dominion of the self-appointed High Priests. True, the BPP has no power to ban the priests, but does that extend to the self-appointed High Priests as well?
    What are the self-appointed High Priests going to achieve at Dongerwadi, which the BPP trustees could not?

  9. Barak Aga

    This is nothing but a belated and half-hearted attempt at scuttling the court case filed by eminent Zoroastrians against the BPP’s ban on the two priests. The BPP will now try to wash its hands off the issue saying Dongerwadi now falls under the dominion of the self-appointed High Priests. True, the BPP has no power to ban the priests, but does that extend to the self-appointed High Priests as well?
    What are the self-appointed High Priests going to achieve at Dongerwadi, which the BPP trustees could not?

  10. Barak Aga

    This is nothing but a belated and half-hearted attempt at scuttling the court case filed by eminent Zoroastrians against the BPP’s ban on the two priests. The BPP will now try to wash its hands off the issue saying Dongerwadi now falls under the dominion of the self-appointed High Priests. True, the BPP has no power to ban the priests, but does that extend to the self-appointed High Priests as well?
    What are the self-appointed High Priests going to achieve at Dongerwadi, which the BPP trustees could not?

  11. Rustomjam

    good decision unless of course the high priests are going to be made scape goats….

  12. Rustomjam

    good decision unless of course the high priests are going to be made scape goats….

  13. Rustomjam

    good decision unless of course the high priests are going to be made scape goats….

  14. cyrus banaji

    yes i agree that this is another scam by the BPP. The poor high priests are allowing themselves to become the punching bag for the BPP. Poor fellows will take all the blame. Replying as to what Barak Aga queries as to what the self appointed high priests are going to achieve what the BPP could not. My answer may be they will use their connections with the almighty and bring back the VULTURES so that a dead parsi can REST IN PEACE AND NOR ROT IN PEACE

  15. cyrus banaji

    yes i agree that this is another scam by the BPP. The poor high priests are allowing themselves to become the punching bag for the BPP. Poor fellows will take all the blame. Replying as to what Barak Aga queries as to what the self appointed high priests are going to achieve what the BPP could not. My answer may be they will use their connections with the almighty and bring back the VULTURES so that a dead parsi can REST IN PEACE AND NOR ROT IN PEACE

  16. cyrus banaji

    yes i agree that this is another scam by the BPP. The poor high priests are allowing themselves to become the punching bag for the BPP. Poor fellows will take all the blame. Replying as to what Barak Aga queries as to what the self appointed high priests are going to achieve what the BPP could not. My answer may be they will use their connections with the almighty and bring back the VULTURES so that a dead parsi can REST IN PEACE AND NOR ROT IN PEACE

  17. Ratan Unwalla

    To XYZ…..This article of Doongerwadi appeared in the Crime Column in DNA Newspaper because it is actually a crime to make the bodies ROT at the Doongerwadi. That is the actual reason. I think the article was appropriately placed.   

  18. Barak Aga

    The issue seems to be getting more ludicrous. This amounts to swapping of roles. The BPP are now performing the duties of the priests, and the priests will perform the duties of the BPP. This amounts to giving a back door entry to the priests to the BPP boardroom. Let the High Priests contest the elections and test their strength. The credibility of some of the High Priests has already touched its nadir. But the High Priests don’t seem to have learnt their lesson. This will only hasten calls for them to keep away from relgious affairs, and to concentrate on their modelling careers for the WAPIZ Free Press Journal page, and for a certain builder who feeds 140 priests and has the photographs splashed on page 3 of Mumbai Times.

  19. Ratan Unwalla

    To XYZ…..This article of Doongerwadi appeared in the Crime Column in DNA Newspaper because it is actually a crime to make the bodies ROT at the Doongerwadi. That is the actual reason. I think the article was appropriately placed.   

  20. Ratan Unwalla

    To XYZ…..This article of Doongerwadi appeared in the Crime Column in DNA Newspaper because it is actually a crime to make the bodies ROT at the Doongerwadi. That is the actual reason. I think the article was appropriately placed.   

  21. Barak Aga

    The issue seems to be getting more ludicrous. This amounts to swapping of roles. The BPP are now performing the duties of the priests, and the priests will perform the duties of the BPP. This amounts to giving a back door entry to the priests to the BPP boardroom. Let the High Priests contest the elections and test their strength. The credibility of some of the High Priests has already touched its nadir. But the High Priests don’t seem to have learnt their lesson. This will only hasten calls for them to keep away from relgious affairs, and to concentrate on their modelling careers for the WAPIZ Free Press Journal page, and for a certain builder who feeds 140 priests and has the photographs splashed on page 3 of Mumbai Times.

  22. Barak Aga

    The issue seems to be getting more ludicrous. This amounts to swapping of roles. The BPP are now performing the duties of the priests, and the priests will perform the duties of the BPP. This amounts to giving a back door entry to the priests to the BPP boardroom. Let the High Priests contest the elections and test their strength. The credibility of some of the High Priests has already touched its nadir. But the High Priests don’t seem to have learnt their lesson. This will only hasten calls for them to keep away from relgious affairs, and to concentrate on their modelling careers for the WAPIZ Free Press Journal page, and for a certain builder who feeds 140 priests and has the photographs splashed on page 3 of Mumbai Times.

  23. Kermang

    Surprising as to how has the area of Doongerwadi become only 55 acres, whereas it was much more in the past? Conveniently the BPP Trustees have shrugged their responsibilities on the High Priest after things have worsened. Why only the Doongerwadi & not the other Parsi owned Lands, Baugs, Buildings & other properties where lots of money is involved ?????          AUDIT ALL THE TRUSTEES FOR THEIR TRACK-RECORDS, DUTIES PERFORMED & THEIR FINANCIAL TURNOVERS WHILST THEY ARE IN POWER & publish for the entire community to know the REAL FACTS…….its a pity that we are such a minuscule community with so many major issues, including the Trustees fighting between themselves which now-a-days is exposed in general local papers too ??????

  24. Kermang

    Surprising as to how has the area of Doongerwadi become only 55 acres, whereas it was much more in the past? Conveniently the BPP Trustees have shrugged their responsibilities on the High Priest after things have worsened. Why only the Doongerwadi & not the other Parsi owned Lands, Baugs, Buildings & other properties where lots of money is involved ?????          AUDIT ALL THE TRUSTEES FOR THEIR TRACK-RECORDS, DUTIES PERFORMED & THEIR FINANCIAL TURNOVERS WHILST THEY ARE IN POWER & publish for the entire community to know the REAL FACTS…….its a pity that we are such a minuscule community with so many major issues, including the Trustees fighting between themselves which now-a-days is exposed in general local papers too ??????

  25. Kermang

    Surprising as to how has the area of Doongerwadi become only 55 acres, whereas it was much more in the past? Conveniently the BPP Trustees have shrugged their responsibilities on the High Priest after things have worsened. Why only the Doongerwadi & not the other Parsi owned Lands, Baugs, Buildings & other properties where lots of money is involved ?????          AUDIT ALL THE TRUSTEES FOR THEIR TRACK-RECORDS, DUTIES PERFORMED & THEIR FINANCIAL TURNOVERS WHILST THEY ARE IN POWER & publish for the entire community to know the REAL FACTS…….its a pity that we are such a minuscule community with so many major issues, including the Trustees fighting between themselves which now-a-days is exposed in general local papers too ??????

  26. Barak Aga

    The Mobeds have been brought in to manage the funerary estate “Dongerwadi”. This is the responsibility of the Trustees of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet. The Trustees have been brought in to manage the Zoroastrian religion. This is the responsibility of the Mobeds.Mobeds have become Trustees.
    Trustees have become Mobeds.

  27. Barak Aga

    The Mobeds have been brought in to manage the funerary estate “Dongerwadi”. This is the responsibility of the Trustees of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet. The Trustees have been brought in to manage the Zoroastrian religion. This is the responsibility of the Mobeds.Mobeds have become Trustees.
    Trustees have become Mobeds.

  28. Barak Aga

    The Mobeds have been brought in to manage the funerary estate “Dongerwadi”. This is the responsibility of the Trustees of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet. The Trustees have been brought in to manage the Zoroastrian religion. This is the responsibility of the Mobeds.Mobeds have become Trustees.
    Trustees have become Mobeds.

  29. arzan mullaphiroze

    Why trustees are not declaring their personal balance sheets of last 3 years  ? They know very well that they have made more unaccounted money for themselves and now their conscience is hurting them. They do not believe in humata, hukhta, huvarashta at-all. They have never heard words like good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Isn’t it surprising that parsees are now eagerly waiting for all of  them to resign from bpp board because all of them are fed up with them.

  30. arzan mullaphiroze

    Why trustees are not declaring their personal balance sheets of last 3 years  ? They know very well that they have made more unaccounted money for themselves and now their conscience is hurting them. They do not believe in humata, hukhta, huvarashta at-all. They have never heard words like good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Isn’t it surprising that parsees are now eagerly waiting for all of  them to resign from bpp board because all of them are fed up with them.

  31. arzan mullaphiroze

    Why trustees are not declaring their personal balance sheets of last 3 years  ? They know very well that they have made more unaccounted money for themselves and now their conscience is hurting them. They do not believe in humata, hukhta, huvarashta at-all. They have never heard words like good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Isn’t it surprising that parsees are now eagerly waiting for all of  them to resign from bpp board because all of them are fed up with them.

  32. Rashna.

    Now the mystery  of  a palm of the dead body falling in Jokhi Fire Temple Compound  should be clarified by these High Priests and not by Mistree.

  33. Rashna.

    Now the mystery  of  a palm of the dead body falling in Jokhi Fire Temple Compound  should be clarified by these High Priests and not by Mistree.

  34. Rashna.

    Now the mystery  of  a palm of the dead body falling in Jokhi Fire Temple Compound  should be clarified by these High Priests and not by Mistree.

  35. Ervad. Adarbahman

    Forget personal assets, they have no time for framing code of conduct for future Elections. Unless this code is framed and put in place, if future election is contemplated thn it is the duty of those who brought this adult franchise to get an injunction on such an Election.

  36. Ervad. Adarbahman

    Forget personal assets, they have no time for framing code of conduct for future Elections. Unless this code is framed and put in place, if future election is contemplated thn it is the duty of those who brought this adult franchise to get an injunction on such an Election.

  37. Ervad. Adarbahman

    Forget personal assets, they have no time for framing code of conduct for future Elections. Unless this code is framed and put in place, if future election is contemplated thn it is the duty of those who brought this adult franchise to get an injunction on such an Election.

  38. Ervad. Adarbahman

    Forget personal assets, they have no time for framing code of conduct for future Elections. Unless this code is framed and put in place, if future election is contemplated thn it is the duty of those who brought this adult franchise to get an injunction on such an Election.

  39. Contradhongi

    Apparently, this COUNCIL OF HIGH PRIESTS was formed many months back. The question is for whom. If the answer is ‘for Parsee Community” then the moot questions are:
    -How many times during its existence the COUNCIL met;
    -What were the subject matters taken up for theological discussions;
    -What were the DECISIONS taken.
    Obviously, this Council (unless it exists only on a paper) cannot take refuge under garb of privilege of secrecy unlike Free Masons.
    My main question is whether such a Council actually exists and is it in a comatose state?

  40. Contradhongi

    Apparently, this COUNCIL OF HIGH PRIESTS was formed many months back. The question is for whom. If the answer is ‘for Parsee Community” then the moot questions are:
    -How many times during its existence the COUNCIL met;
    -What were the subject matters taken up for theological discussions;
    -What were the DECISIONS taken.
    Obviously, this Council (unless it exists only on a paper) cannot take refuge under garb of privilege of secrecy unlike Free Masons.
    My main question is whether such a Council actually exists and is it in a comatose state?

  41. Contradhongi

    Apparently, this COUNCIL OF HIGH PRIESTS was formed many months back. The question is for whom. If the answer is ‘for Parsee Community” then the moot questions are:
    -How many times during its existence the COUNCIL met;
    -What were the subject matters taken up for theological discussions;
    -What were the DECISIONS taken.
    Obviously, this Council (unless it exists only on a paper) cannot take refuge under garb of privilege of secrecy unlike Free Masons.
    My main question is whether such a Council actually exists and is it in a comatose state?

  42. Contradhongi

    Apparently, this COUNCIL OF HIGH PRIESTS was formed many months back. The question is for whom. If the answer is ‘for Parsee Community” then the moot questions are:
    -How many times during its existence the COUNCIL met;
    -What were the subject matters taken up for theological discussions;
    -What were the DECISIONS taken.
    Obviously, this Council (unless it exists only on a paper) cannot take refuge under garb of privilege of secrecy unlike Free Masons.
    My main question is whether such a Council actually exists and is it in a comatose state?