Parsi Punchayet Looks For Trustee


April 27, 2011

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Parsi-Zoroastrians are preparing to elect a new member to the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP), the community’s main representative body, to replace the trustee who resigned last month.

But many members of the community are wondering whether a consensus candidate can be elected to the seat.

By Manoj R Nair |DNA

A search is on for such a candidate, and groups representing different views in the community have already met to identify a trustee who can bridge the seemingly insurmountable gap between the community’s reformist and orthodox groups.

The 2008 elections to the three century-old trust was the first to feature the concept of universal adult franchise. Unlike earlier polls in which only trust donors could vote, all adult community members could vote in the 2008 election, which was keenly contested by the orthodox and reformists, largely represented by WAPIZ (World Alliance of Parsi-Irani Zoroastrians) and ARZ (Association for Revival of Zoroastrianism).

At that time, six of the seven trustees were from the orthodox group. Trustee Noshir Dadrawala, who resigned on March 31, was from the reformist group. He cited ‘incompatible’ differences with other trustees and unhappiness with the organisation’s management style as reasons for leaving.

Trustees in the BPP, one of the largest land owners in the city, have a seven-year-old term. The trust controls large community housing estates, fire temples and the Towers of Silence cemetery at Malabar Hill. After the 2008 election, there was voting in 2009 to elect a replacement for a trustee who died. The 2008 election was so bitterly fought that questions were raised about the money spent by candidates to ensure a win. The community’s press, too, was divided along the orthodox-liberal lines and featured unflattering profiles and caricatures of candidates.

Many community members felt that there is a certain weariness about elections. Vispy Wadia of ARZ said: “Nobody is ready for another election, especially since it is an expensive affair and often involves handing out freebies, including meals and gifts. There is anyway no code of conduct.”

Dinshaw Mehta, chairman of the BPP, said that talks are on to choose a consensus candidate to avoid such election ill will. “We are having discussions with various groups,” said Mehta. “A lot of bad blood flows during the elections. We will be happy if we can avoid it.”

Apart from WAPIZ and ARZ, other groups are also part of the discussion. One meeting on the issue was held earlier during the week and the names of two prospective candidates were discussed. However, one of the names suggested was not favoured by the orthodox members because he is perceived as a reformist. The elections are scheduled for the last week of June or the first week of July. The BPP is planning to announce April 26 as the cut-off date for the registration of voters. An estimated 28,000 people in Mumbai and outside are eligible to vote.


  1. Farsak Ashli.

    I thought that those who shouted from rooftops that ‘majority’ were supporting six BPP Trustees in ‘rightful expenditure’ on Lawyers Fees for banning og 2 Priests, would ‘establish’ such a ‘overwhelming’ popularity by contesting elections. Developing cold feet shows the extent of their ‘support’ base.

  2. Farsak Ashli.

    I thought that those who shouted from rooftops that ‘majority’ were supporting six BPP Trustees in ‘rightful expenditure’ on Lawyers Fees for banning og 2 Priests, would ‘establish’ such a ‘overwhelming’ popularity by contesting elections. Developing cold feet shows the extent of their ‘support’ base.

  3. Farsak Ashli.

    I thought that those who shouted from rooftops that ‘majority’ were supporting six BPP Trustees in ‘rightful expenditure’ on Lawyers Fees for banning og 2 Priests, would ‘establish’ such a ‘overwhelming’ popularity by contesting elections. Developing cold feet shows the extent of their ‘support’ base.

  4. Rashna2011

    Just like in politics, no decent human being would like to stand for election to serve the community with sincerity after what spectacle was seem during the last two elections that were held.. The reason for ‘consensus’ candidate seems to have been prompted more by the realization of ‘anti incumbency factor’ which is giving goosebumps to many rather than cost factor. If cost were the factor, why these same persons want to squander lakhs on senseless litigation? These fellows assume that ALL Parsees are naive to believe their ‘fervent” desire to ‘save money’.
    The opposition, if that term can be used is not having matching means to put up a candidate and if this situation remains, after 5 years will there be any person left to stand for BPP Election except persons out to make a quick buck and then vanish?

  5. Rashna2011

    Just like in politics, no decent human being would like to stand for election to serve the community with sincerity after what spectacle was seem during the last two elections that were held.. The reason for ‘consensus’ candidate seems to have been prompted more by the realization of ‘anti incumbency factor’ which is giving goosebumps to many rather than cost factor. If cost were the factor, why these same persons want to squander lakhs on senseless litigation? These fellows assume that ALL Parsees are naive to believe their ‘fervent” desire to ‘save money’.
    The opposition, if that term can be used is not having matching means to put up a candidate and if this situation remains, after 5 years will there be any person left to stand for BPP Election except persons out to make a quick buck and then vanish?

  6. Rashna2011

    Just like in politics, no decent human being would like to stand for election to serve the community with sincerity after what spectacle was seem during the last two elections that were held.. The reason for ‘consensus’ candidate seems to have been prompted more by the realization of ‘anti incumbency factor’ which is giving goosebumps to many rather than cost factor. If cost were the factor, why these same persons want to squander lakhs on senseless litigation? These fellows assume that ALL Parsees are naive to believe their ‘fervent” desire to ‘save money’.
    The opposition, if that term can be used is not having matching means to put up a candidate and if this situation remains, after 5 years will there be any person left to stand for BPP Election except persons out to make a quick buck and then vanish?

  7. Rashna2011

    Just like in politics, no decent human being would like to stand for election to serve the community with sincerity after what spectacle was seem during the last two elections that were held.. The reason for ‘consensus’ candidate seems to have been prompted more by the realization of ‘anti incumbency factor’ which is giving goosebumps to many rather than cost factor. If cost were the factor, why these same persons want to squander lakhs on senseless litigation? These fellows assume that ALL Parsees are naive to believe their ‘fervent” desire to ‘save money’.
    The opposition, if that term can be used is not having matching means to put up a candidate and if this situation remains, after 5 years will there be any person left to stand for BPP Election except persons out to make a quick buck and then vanish?

  8. Phiroze

    In a democracy if you do not use your vote intelligently when the opportunity arises, there is no sense in crying later. Let those who advocate change be the change themselves and take advantage of this opportunity.

  9. Phiroze

    In a democracy if you do not use your vote intelligently when the opportunity arises, there is no sense in crying later. Let those who advocate change be the change themselves and take advantage of this opportunity.

  10. Phiroze

    In a democracy if you do not use your vote intelligently when the opportunity arises, there is no sense in crying later. Let those who advocate change be the change themselves and take advantage of this opportunity.

  11. Zerxes Dordi

    Again the same ‘lawara’. B.P.P.nothing to do with the Religion. Read the Trust Deed under which B.P.P. originated. Some people will continue to mix issues purposely.

  12. Zerxes Dordi

    Again the same ‘lawara’. B.P.P.nothing to do with the Religion. Read the Trust Deed under which B.P.P. originated. Some people will continue to mix issues purposely.

  13. Zerxes Dordi

    Again the same ‘lawara’. B.P.P.nothing to do with the Religion. Read the Trust Deed under which B.P.P. originated. Some people will continue to mix issues purposely.

  14. Zerxes Dordi

    Again the same ‘lawara’. B.P.P.nothing to do with the Religion. Read the Trust Deed under which B.P.P. originated. Some people will continue to mix issues purposely.

  15. Tehmul77

    It is gladdening to note the admission of people like Phiroze realize the folly committed by Parsees in BPP Elections by not voting intelligently

  16. Tehmul77

    It is gladdening to note the admission of people like Phiroze realize the folly committed by Parsees in BPP Elections by not voting intelligently

  17. Tehmul77

    It is gladdening to note the admission of people like Phiroze realize the folly committed by Parsees in BPP Elections by not voting intelligently

  18. Shaimak Madon

    Yes, people have at last understood the blunder made by them two tears back.

  19. Shaimak Madon

    Yes, people have at last understood the blunder made by them two tears back.

  20. Shaimak Madon

    Yes, people have at last understood the blunder made by them two tears back.

  21. Contradhongi


  22. Contradhongi


  23. Contradhongi


  24. Behroze.

    The caustic joke making rounds is that B.P.P. may have to rename itself as D.P.P. i.e. Dadar Parsi Punchayat considering the preponderance of Trustees from D.P.C. and yet another resident’s name from the same Colony doing rounds as a likely candidate.

  25. Behroze.

    The caustic joke making rounds is that B.P.P. may have to rename itself as D.P.P. i.e. Dadar Parsi Punchayat considering the preponderance of Trustees from D.P.C. and yet another resident’s name from the same Colony doing rounds as a likely candidate.

  26. Behroze.

    The caustic joke making rounds is that B.P.P. may have to rename itself as D.P.P. i.e. Dadar Parsi Punchayat considering the preponderance of Trustees from D.P.C. and yet another resident’s name from the same Colony doing rounds as a likely candidate.

  27. Soli

    Rumour mill has it that Mr. Farokh Kavarana – Director at TATA Sons and son of the community’s hardest social worker Ms. Silloo Kavarana has been proposed as a consensus candidate.

    This is a move in the right direction. Someone like Mr. Kavarana who is respected in the community will bring balance and stature to the BPP.

    Looks like the Trustees are finally following the right path.

  28. Phiroze

    A few facts on DPC.

    Not all buildings in DPC are run by BPP and DPC has the highest number of PArsis living in an area anywhere in the world. This is no joking matter but a fact of life. You can only grin and bear it.

  29. Behroze.

    If true, his plight will be no different than that of MMS who had been surrounded by
    A. Raja /Kalamadi etc.

  30. Behroze.

    Whether owned by B.P.P. or some other Charity Trust, most buildings in DPC are Charity buildings intended for poorer sections and where Rents are as HIGH AS
    Rs. 250/per month, which is also A FACT AND WHICH YOU HAVE TO GRIN & BEAR IT MR. PHIROZE.

  31. Phiroze

    A few facts on DPC.

    Not all buildings in DPC are run by BPP and DPC has the highest number of PArsis living in an area anywhere in the world. This is no joking matter but a fact of life. You can only grin and bear it.

  32. Phiroze

    A few facts on DPC.

    Not all buildings in DPC are run by BPP and DPC has the highest number of PArsis living in an area anywhere in the world. This is no joking matter but a fact of life. You can only grin and bear it.

  33. Anonymous

    Behroze, more than 90% living in DPC qualify as Parsicides…who not surprisingly elect like minded .

  34. R.Kayani.

    I just cannot comprehend why some persons like Phiroze, for example crave for public humiliation by inviting stinkers from likes of Behroze.Would it not have been better if he had abstained from talking about BPP owned Charity flats and buidings owned by non B.P.P. Charity Trusts?

  35. Behroze.

    If true, his plight will be no different than that of MMS who had been surrounded by
    A. Raja /Kalamadi etc.

  36. Behroze.

    If true, his plight will be no different than that of MMS who had been surrounded by
    A. Raja /Kalamadi etc.

  37. Behroze.

    Whether owned by B.P.P. or some other Charity Trust, most buildings in DPC are Charity buildings intended for poorer sections and where Rents are as HIGH AS
    Rs. 250/per month, which is also A FACT AND WHICH YOU HAVE TO GRIN & BEAR IT MR. PHIROZE.

  38. Behroze.

    Whether owned by B.P.P. or some other Charity Trust, most buildings in DPC are Charity buildings intended for poorer sections and where Rents are as HIGH AS
    Rs. 250/per month, which is also A FACT AND WHICH YOU HAVE TO GRIN & BEAR IT MR. PHIROZE.

  39. Anonymous

    Behroze, more than 90% living in DPC qualify as Parsicides…who not surprisingly elect like minded .

  40. KoremandShahparast

    Behroze, more than 90% living in DPC qualify as Parsicides…who not surprisingly elect like minded .

  41. R.Kayani.

    I just cannot comprehend why some persons like Phiroze, for example crave for public humiliation by inviting stinkers from likes of Behroze.Would it not have been better if he had abstained from talking about BPP owned Charity flats and buidings owned by non B.P.P. Charity Trusts?

  42. R.Kayani.

    I just cannot comprehend why some persons like Phiroze, for example crave for public humiliation by inviting stinkers from likes of Behroze.Would it not have been better if he had abstained from talking about BPP owned Charity flats and buidings owned by non B.P.P. Charity Trusts?

  43. Barak Aga

    The term of the Trustees should be reduced from 7 years to 3 or 4 years.

    No trustee should be allowed to serve 2 consecutive terms.

    This will preclude vested interests, and inject fresh blood in to the management of the Trust.

    An election code of conduct should be brought in to force so that financial muscle may not be used. No free food and alcohol to be used to buy votes.

    The present Board of Trustees is not representative of the entire community. It is merely representative of those members of the community who already enjoy subsidised housing and live in the Parsi Colonies. The Haves. What about the Have Nots?

    Applicants for housing should be allowed to have one among themselves on the Board of Trustees so that they are able to protect their interests.

  44. BEHROZE.

    Pl read my original message again which I reproduce :”The caustic joke making rounds is that B.P.P. may have to rename itself as D.P.P. i.e. Dadar Parsi Punchayat considering the preponderance of Trustees from D.P.C. and yet another resident’s name from the same Colony doing rounds as a likely candidate.”
    WHERE HAVE I MADE MENTION OF B.P.P. owned Buildings or Charity buildings ? But often conscience of some parasites prick.

  45. Barak Aga

    The term of the Trustees should be reduced from 7 years to 3 or 4 years.

    No trustee should be allowed to serve 2 consecutive terms.

    This will preclude vested interests, and inject fresh blood in to the management of the Trust.

    An election code of conduct should be brought in to force so that financial muscle may not be used. No free food and alcohol to be used to buy votes.

    The present Board of Trustees is not representative of the entire community. It is merely representative of those members of the community who already enjoy subsidised housing and live in the Parsi Colonies. The Haves. What about the Have Nots?

    Applicants for housing should be allowed to have one among themselves on the Board of Trustees so that they are able to protect their interests.

  46. Barak Aga

    The term of the Trustees should be reduced from 7 years to 3 or 4 years.

    No trustee should be allowed to serve 2 consecutive terms.

    This will preclude vested interests, and inject fresh blood in to the management of the Trust.

    An election code of conduct should be brought in to force so that financial muscle may not be used. No free food and alcohol to be used to buy votes.

    The present Board of Trustees is not representative of the entire community. It is merely representative of those members of the community who already enjoy subsidised housing and live in the Parsi Colonies. The Haves. What about the Have Nots?

    Applicants for housing should be allowed to have one among themselves on the Board of Trustees so that they are able to protect their interests.

  47. BEHROZE.

    Pl read my original message again which I reproduce :”The caustic joke making rounds is that B.P.P. may have to rename itself as D.P.P. i.e. Dadar Parsi Punchayat considering the preponderance of Trustees from D.P.C. and yet another resident’s name from the same Colony doing rounds as a likely candidate.”
    WHERE HAVE I MADE MENTION OF B.P.P. owned Buildings or Charity buildings ? But often conscience of some parasites prick.

  48. BEHROZE.

    Pl read my original message again which I reproduce :”The caustic joke making rounds is that B.P.P. may have to rename itself as D.P.P. i.e. Dadar Parsi Punchayat considering the preponderance of Trustees from D.P.C. and yet another resident’s name from the same Colony doing rounds as a likely candidate.”
    WHERE HAVE I MADE MENTION OF B.P.P. owned Buildings or Charity buildings ? But often conscience of some parasites prick.

  49. BEHROZE.

    Pl read my original message again which I reproduce :”The caustic joke making rounds is that B.P.P. may have to rename itself as D.P.P. i.e. Dadar Parsi Punchayat considering the preponderance of Trustees from D.P.C. and yet another resident’s name from the same Colony doing rounds as a likely candidate.”
    WHERE HAVE I MADE MENTION OF B.P.P. owned Buildings or Charity buildings ? But often conscience of some parasites prick.

  50. Phiroze

    Most of these buildings have been extended ie more floors added and the new outgoings are much higher. I am grining and you have to bear it!! Behroze

  51. Phiroze

    Most of these buildings have been extended ie more floors added and the new outgoings are much higher. I am grining and you have to bear it!! Behroze

  52. Phiroze

    Most of these buildings have been extended ie more floors added and the new outgoings are much higher. I am grining and you have to bear it!! Behroze

  53. BEHROZE.

    Outgoings represent Municipal Taxes and nobody is obliging the various Trusts by paying/ defraying higher Municipal Taxes due to later date construction. Yes, one has to grin and pay statutory dues.In Paruck Dharmshalla aged do not have to pay such taxes.

  54. BEHROZE.

    Very very correct. Somebody will have to move the Court to amend the scheme of election.Besides it is time somebody moves Office of C.C. to disqualify any Trustee who is also a tenant/ licensee of the the Buildings owned by B.P.P.

  55. Barak Aga

    It is best that the BPP is taken over by the State Government.

    The State Government should appoint 1 bureaucrat, and a representative of the Charity Commissioner to take over and manage the affairs of the BPP.

    Gradually other “Parsi” / Zoroastrian Trusts which are owners of residential properties too should be taken over and managed by the Government.

    This will serve as a lesson to rapacious trustees.

    The rot that has permeated the BPP, is rife in other “Parsi” / Zoroastrian Trusts too.

    In buildings managed by some other “Parsi” / Zoroastrian Trusts, not 1, not 2 but 3 apartments, i.e., almost ¼ of the building has been given away to a single family.

    Upon the demise of Sathya Sai Baba, the State Government mulled taking over the various trusts formed by Him.

  56. Cyrus Khumbata

    Barak….I have long observed your comments here on this site. And I am perplexed a bit. This site is about Parsis, The Zoroastrians of India. It predominantly addressed issues related to Parsis, in India and the world over.

    The term Parsi is socio-cultural in its flavor, whatever may be the literal definition. However you still seem to push a certain propoganda that has nothing to do with Parsis per se. I do not know why the editors here at Parsi Khabar allow that.

    From your facebook profile, you do not even live in Mumbai, leave alone India.

    Then why do you continually butt your head into issues that dont concern you. You can always read but choose to remain an observer.

    Do you live in Bombay ? Does what the Parsi Punchayat do, affect you directly ? If not then why unnecessarily keep on taunting and commenting from the sidelines.

    If this concerns you, or your country of habitation, city, town neighborhood, I can understand you chiming in. But it does not.

    Dont unnecessarily keep on adding fuel to the fire, being an outside observer.

  57. Barak Aga

    Dear Cyrus,

    There’s an old adage. “Look before you leap”.

    What makes you think I do not live in “Mumbai” (Bombay as you have put it).

    Facebook Profile?

    Dear Cyrus, does it occur to you that many “Parsis” / Zoroastrians speak foreign languages.

    Dear Cyrus,
    I speak, English,
    Mai Hindi bhi jaantaa hoo,
    Maala Marathi maahity aahey,
    Hoo Gujarati bhi bolooch.
    Ya Govoryoo Rusky Yizik,
    J’ai étudié le français à l’école et au collège.

    Many “Parsis” / Zoroastrians are are teachers of German language, and French.
    Many are widely travelled.

    Just because my name appears in English and in Cyrillic, does it imply that I do not reside in Mumbai?

    Frankly your post leaves me perplexed.

    You state, “This site is about Parsis, The Zoroastrians of India.”

    Then you state, “…..addressed issues related to Parsis ……….. the world over.”

    The editors of Parsi Khabar permit my posts because they are democratic, they have Zoroastrian values.

    It seems you are an outside observer. The name “Bombay” was changed to “Mumbai” a long time ago. If you were / are a resident of Mumbai, you would have been aware of this.

    I am not intimidated by you. I shall continue to contribute to this website

  58. Farsak Ashli.

    Barak, I strongly diasagree with what you reccomend. Your so called remedy will be worse than the ailment. It would be better to appoint a Trustee Company on lines of Trustee Companies appointed by Mutual Funds, on behalf of the investors.
    Do you know that Er. K.N. Dastur was in charge of Trusts Deptt of a nationalised bank? Do you know that two Public sector banks have subsidiaries to manage Trusts? What is needed is professionalism not red tapism.
    The rot you mention exists in all public charitable trusts. If professional managers are appointed, there will be impartiality and judiciousness. The existing Office Staff of B.P.P. are loyal to their masters because all senior executives are residing in BPP owned Baugs and in fact two of them sold of their earlier accomodation and were provided flats by B.P.P. One of them made a neat pile selling off his ownership flat at Haji Ali and another ‘sold’ his flat in a Vile Parle Colony for a pugree to move northwards.

  59. BEHROZE.

    Outgoings represent Municipal Taxes and nobody is obliging the various Trusts by paying/ defraying higher Municipal Taxes due to later date construction. Yes, one has to grin and pay statutory dues.In Paruck Dharmshalla aged do not have to pay such taxes.

  60. BEHROZE.

    Outgoings represent Municipal Taxes and nobody is obliging the various Trusts by paying/ defraying higher Municipal Taxes due to later date construction. Yes, one has to grin and pay statutory dues.In Paruck Dharmshalla aged do not have to pay such taxes.

  61. BEHROZE.

    Very very correct. Somebody will have to move the Court to amend the scheme of election.Besides it is time somebody moves Office of C.C. to disqualify any Trustee who is also a tenant/ licensee of the the Buildings owned by B.P.P.

  62. BEHROZE.

    Very very correct. Somebody will have to move the Court to amend the scheme of election.Besides it is time somebody moves Office of C.C. to disqualify any Trustee who is also a tenant/ licensee of the the Buildings owned by B.P.P.

  63. Barak Aga

    It is best that the BPP is taken over by the State Government.

    The State Government should appoint 1 bureaucrat, and a representative of the Charity Commissioner to take over and manage the affairs of the BPP.

    Gradually other “Parsi” / Zoroastrian Trusts which are owners of residential properties too should be taken over and managed by the Government.

    This will serve as a lesson to rapacious trustees.

    The rot that has permeated the BPP, is rife in other “Parsi” / Zoroastrian Trusts too.

    In buildings managed by some other “Parsi” / Zoroastrian Trusts, not 1, not 2 but 3 apartments, i.e., almost ¼ of the building has been given away to a single family.

    Upon the demise of Sathya Sai Baba, the State Government mulled taking over the various trusts formed by Him.

  64. Barak Aga

    It is best that the BPP is taken over by the State Government.

    The State Government should appoint 1 bureaucrat, and a representative of the Charity Commissioner to take over and manage the affairs of the BPP.

    Gradually other “Parsi” / Zoroastrian Trusts which are owners of residential properties too should be taken over and managed by the Government.

    This will serve as a lesson to rapacious trustees.

    The rot that has permeated the BPP, is rife in other “Parsi” / Zoroastrian Trusts too.

    In buildings managed by some other “Parsi” / Zoroastrian Trusts, not 1, not 2 but 3 apartments, i.e., almost ¼ of the building has been given away to a single family.

    Upon the demise of Sathya Sai Baba, the State Government mulled taking over the various trusts formed by Him.

  65. Cyrus Khumbata

    Barak….I have long observed your comments here on this site. And I am perplexed a bit. This site is about Parsis, The Zoroastrians of India. It predominantly addressed issues related to Parsis, in India and the world over.

    The term Parsi is socio-cultural in its flavor, whatever may be the literal definition. However you still seem to push a certain propoganda that has nothing to do with Parsis per se. I do not know why the editors here at Parsi Khabar allow that.

    From your facebook profile, you do not even live in Mumbai, leave alone India.

    Then why do you continually butt your head into issues that dont concern you. You can always read but choose to remain an observer.

    Do you live in Bombay ? Does what the Parsi Punchayat do, affect you directly ? If not then why unnecessarily keep on taunting and commenting from the sidelines.

    If this concerns you, or your country of habitation, city, town neighborhood, I can understand you chiming in. But it does not.

    Dont unnecessarily keep on adding fuel to the fire, being an outside observer.

  66. Cyrus Khumbata

    Barak….I have long observed your comments here on this site. And I am perplexed a bit. This site is about Parsis, The Zoroastrians of India. It predominantly addressed issues related to Parsis, in India and the world over.

    The term Parsi is socio-cultural in its flavor, whatever may be the literal definition. However you still seem to push a certain propoganda that has nothing to do with Parsis per se. I do not know why the editors here at Parsi Khabar allow that.

    From your facebook profile, you do not even live in Mumbai, leave alone India.

    Then why do you continually butt your head into issues that dont concern you. You can always read but choose to remain an observer.

    Do you live in Bombay ? Does what the Parsi Punchayat do, affect you directly ? If not then why unnecessarily keep on taunting and commenting from the sidelines.

    If this concerns you, or your country of habitation, city, town neighborhood, I can understand you chiming in. But it does not.

    Dont unnecessarily keep on adding fuel to the fire, being an outside observer.

  67. Barak Aga

    Dear Cyrus,

    There’s an old adage. “Look before you leap”.

    What makes you think I do not live in “Mumbai” (Bombay as you have put it).

    Facebook Profile?

    Dear Cyrus, does it occur to you that many “Parsis” / Zoroastrians speak foreign languages.

    Dear Cyrus,
    I speak, English,
    Mai Hindi bhi jaantaa hoo,
    Maala Marathi maahity aahey,
    Hoo Gujarati bhi bolooch.
    Ya Govoryoo Rusky Yizik,
    J’ai étudié le français à l’école et au collège.

    Many “Parsis” / Zoroastrians are are teachers of German language, and French.
    Many are widely travelled.

    Just because my name appears in English and in Cyrillic, does it imply that I do not reside in Mumbai?

    Frankly your post leaves me perplexed.

    You state, “This site is about Parsis, The Zoroastrians of India.”

    Then you state, “…..addressed issues related to Parsis ……….. the world over.”

    The editors of Parsi Khabar permit my posts because they are democratic, they have Zoroastrian values.

    It seems you are an outside observer. The name “Bombay” was changed to “Mumbai” a long time ago. If you were / are a resident of Mumbai, you would have been aware of this.

    I am not intimidated by you. I shall continue to contribute to this website

  68. Barak Aga

    Dear Cyrus,

    There’s an old adage. “Look before you leap”.

    What makes you think I do not live in “Mumbai” (Bombay as you have put it).

    Facebook Profile?

    Dear Cyrus, does it occur to you that many “Parsis” / Zoroastrians speak foreign languages.

    Dear Cyrus,
    I speak, English,
    Mai Hindi bhi jaantaa hoo,
    Maala Marathi maahity aahey,
    Hoo Gujarati bhi bolooch.
    Ya Govoryoo Rusky Yizik,
    J’ai étudié le français à l’école et au collège.

    Many “Parsis” / Zoroastrians are are teachers of German language, and French.
    Many are widely travelled.

    Just because my name appears in English and in Cyrillic, does it imply that I do not reside in Mumbai?

    Frankly your post leaves me perplexed.

    You state, “This site is about Parsis, The Zoroastrians of India.”

    Then you state, “…..addressed issues related to Parsis ……….. the world over.”

    The editors of Parsi Khabar permit my posts because they are democratic, they have Zoroastrian values.

    It seems you are an outside observer. The name “Bombay” was changed to “Mumbai” a long time ago. If you were / are a resident of Mumbai, you would have been aware of this.

    I am not intimidated by you. I shall continue to contribute to this website

  69. Farsak Ashli.

    Barak, I strongly diasagree with what you reccomend. Your so called remedy will be worse than the ailment. It would be better to appoint a Trustee Company on lines of Trustee Companies appointed by Mutual Funds, on behalf of the investors.
    Do you know that Er. K.N. Dastur was in charge of Trusts Deptt of a nationalised bank? Do you know that two Public sector banks have subsidiaries to manage Trusts? What is needed is professionalism not red tapism.
    The rot you mention exists in all public charitable trusts. If professional managers are appointed, there will be impartiality and judiciousness. The existing Office Staff of B.P.P. are loyal to their masters because all senior executives are residing in BPP owned Baugs and in fact two of them sold of their earlier accomodation and were provided flats by B.P.P. One of them made a neat pile selling off his ownership flat at Haji Ali and another ‘sold’ his flat in a Vile Parle Colony for a pugree to move northwards.

  70. Farsak Ashli.

    Barak, I strongly diasagree with what you reccomend. Your so called remedy will be worse than the ailment. It would be better to appoint a Trustee Company on lines of Trustee Companies appointed by Mutual Funds, on behalf of the investors.
    Do you know that Er. K.N. Dastur was in charge of Trusts Deptt of a nationalised bank? Do you know that two Public sector banks have subsidiaries to manage Trusts? What is needed is professionalism not red tapism.
    The rot you mention exists in all public charitable trusts. If professional managers are appointed, there will be impartiality and judiciousness. The existing Office Staff of B.P.P. are loyal to their masters because all senior executives are residing in BPP owned Baugs and in fact two of them sold of their earlier accomodation and were provided flats by B.P.P. One of them made a neat pile selling off his ownership flat at Haji Ali and another ‘sold’ his flat in a Vile Parle Colony for a pugree to move northwards.

  71. Barak Aga

    Dear Cyrus,

    Pray why do you use a pseudonym or a nom-de-plume?
    Your writing style is a dead give away.

    Not only am I resident in Mumbai, but in the past week, I have been working at one of India’s most sensitive / vital installations. A place where civilians are not permitted to enter without a high level security clearance.

    So please don’t add fuel to the fire, and as you are not from Mumbai, you should not interfere.

  72. Dorab.

    Barak bawa, Here I agree with Farsak and beg to disagree with you. Are u not aware of campaign against corruption? So why involve bureaucrats in our property matters? I am not saying that everything in B.P.P. should be allowed to go on as it does. Yes , professionalism is the need of the hour and not just change in office lay out and office furniture.

  73. Dorab.

    Barak bawa, Here I agree with Farsak and beg to disagree with you. Are u not aware of campaign against corruption? So why involve bureaucrats in our property matters? I am not saying that everything in B.P.P. should be allowed to go on as it does. Yes , professionalism is the need of the hour and not just change in office lay out and office furniture.

  74. Phiroze

    DPC makes up the numbers in the community and so also the representation in BPP. Looks like a case of sour grapes for you all here ;-)

  75. Phiroze

    Cyrus, invite him for a drink and see the excuses he will come up with. He is yet to accept my invitation of January 2011. The same is true for Homi Behroze and the rest of the gang

  76. Phiroze

    Why don’t either of you contest the election and bring about this changes from with-in?

  77. Barak Aga

    Dear Cyrus,

    Pray why do you use a pseudonym or a nom-de-plume?
    Your writing style is a dead give away.

    Not only am I resident in Mumbai, but in the past week, I have been working at one of India’s most sensitive / vital installations. A place where civilians are not permitted to enter without a high level security clearance.

    So please don’t add fuel to the fire, and as you are not from Mumbai, you should not interfere.

  78. Barak Aga

    Dear Cyrus,

    Pray why do you use a pseudonym or a nom-de-plume?
    Your writing style is a dead give away.

    Not only am I resident in Mumbai, but in the past week, I have been working at one of India’s most sensitive / vital installations. A place where civilians are not permitted to enter without a high level security clearance.

    So please don’t add fuel to the fire, and as you are not from Mumbai, you should not interfere.

  79. Anonymous

    moh-tor reply Barak. Bravo.

    Cyrus Khumbata, pls explain me what do you mean by “It predominantly addressed issues related to Parsis, in India and the world over. “?

    And if by your own utterance, this blog is for discussions between Parsis living anywhere in the world, who are you to question Barak’s presence here?

    Also clear the air, what is ‘a certain propoganda’ that you claimed Barak is pushing here?

  80. Phiroze

    DPC makes up the numbers in the community and so also the representation in BPP. Looks like a case of sour grapes for you all here ;-)

  81. Phiroze

    DPC makes up the numbers in the community and so also the representation in BPP. Looks like a case of sour grapes for you all here ;-)

  82. Phiroze

    Cyrus, invite him for a drink and see the excuses he will come up with. He is yet to accept my invitation of January 2011. The same is true for Homi Behroze and the rest of the gang

  83. Phiroze

    Cyrus, invite him for a drink and see the excuses he will come up with. He is yet to accept my invitation of January 2011. The same is true for Homi Behroze and the rest of the gang

  84. Phiroze

    Cyrus, invite him for a drink and see the excuses he will come up with. He is yet to accept my invitation of January 2011. The same is true for Homi Behroze and the rest of the gang

  85. Phiroze

    Cyrus, invite him for a drink and see the excuses he will come up with. He is yet to accept my invitation of January 2011. The same is true for Homi Behroze and the rest of the gang

  86. Phiroze

    Why don’t either of you contest the election and bring about this changes from with-in?

  87. Phiroze

    Why don’t either of you contest the election and bring about this changes from with-in?

  88. Phiroze

    Why don’t either of you contest the election and bring about this changes from with-in?

  89. Cyrus Khumbata


    If you really lived in Bombay, you will realize that most people who grew up there and live there, still call it Bombay. Yes Mumbai may be the official name, that a political party did as a stunt to garner votes. It didnt change things. As usual you are stooping to petty arguements. I was expecting some Zarathushtra reason for this too. How come you didnt concoct one up?

    Your facebook profile (screen shot above) shows your name in Cyrillic script. And shows you standing in the foreground of some Central Asian looking building. Why does someone from Bombay…OK Mumbai for you….have that?

    The intention of the post was never to intimidate you. Please dont second guess yourself all the time. It was only to point out your constant propoganda on issues and topics that (you as an outsider ) do not concern you.

    You may be working in a secret facility. Yes India does welcome foreigners to collaborate on issues of science, technology, defence etc. Again, that distinction does not add anything to the topic at hand. Another instance of you answering a question that was never asked.

    And my name is no pseudonym. As Phiroze said above, why dont we meet up in Bombay at some time.

    This is my last post on this topic. If you are really serious, leave a comment here with the date and time to meet and I will be there. Am sure Phiroze will too.

    As for KoremandShahparast…ettiquette applies to internet conversations too. Speak when you are spoken to. Dont butt into conversations between two individuals. Its considered rude, both in real life and online.

  90. Anonymous

    moh-tor reply Barak. Bravo.

    Cyrus Khumbata, pls explain me what do you mean by “It predominantly addressed issues related to Parsis, in India and the world over. “?

    And if by your own utterance, this blog is for discussions between Parsis living anywhere in the world, who are you to question Barak’s presence here?

    Also clear the air, what is ‘a certain propoganda’ that you claimed Barak is pushing here?

  91. KoremandShahparast

    moh-tor reply Barak. Bravo.

    Cyrus Khumbata, pls explain me what do you mean by “It predominantly addressed issues related to Parsis, in India and the world over. “?

    And if by your own utterance, this blog is for discussions between Parsis living anywhere in the world, who are you to question Barak’s presence here?

    Also clear the air, what is ‘a certain propoganda’ that you claimed Barak is pushing here?

  92. KoremandShahparast

    moh-tor reply Barak. Bravo.

    Cyrus Khumbata, pls explain me what do you mean by “It predominantly addressed issues related to Parsis, in India and the world over. “?

    And if by your own utterance, this blog is for discussions between Parsis living anywhere in the world, who are you to question Barak’s presence here?

    Also clear the air, what is ‘a certain propoganda’ that you claimed Barak is pushing here?

  93. BEHROZE.

    So now you substitute “QUALITY FOR QUANTITY of NUMBERS”

  94. BEHROZE.

    TIME WILL TELL. Mr Phiroze.On this blog were you not the one to say that Bombay High Court judgment was pro Parsee? So it is for you now to justify the reasons for appealing against a ‘pro Parsee judgment’.!
    Years have taught me to remain silent for some time and allow people like you to swallow their own words. I shall revert back to persons like you at the appropriate time. That of course does not mean that I will not participate on this portal with other sensible minded persons.
    As somebody has said elsewhere on this portal,it is rank bad manners to poke one’s nose when two other persons are discussing. What is good for Khoremand Shahparast applies to you as well. Learn to speak when addressed to.Your provocations will meet a dead end as far as I go.

  95. Cyrus Khumbata


    If you really lived in Bombay, you will realize that most people who grew up there and live there, still call it Bombay. Yes Mumbai may be the official name, that a political party did as a stunt to garner votes. It didnt change things. As usual you are stooping to petty arguements. I was expecting some Zarathushtra reason for this too. How come you didnt concoct one up?

    Your facebook profile (screen shot above) shows your name in Cyrillic script. And shows you standing in the foreground of some Central Asian looking building. Why does someone from Bombay…OK Mumbai for you….have that?

    The intention of the post was never to intimidate you. Please dont second guess yourself all the time. It was only to point out your constant propoganda on issues and topics that (you as an outsider ) do not concern you.

    You may be working in a secret facility. Yes India does welcome foreigners to collaborate on issues of science, technology, defence etc. Again, that distinction does not add anything to the topic at hand. Another instance of you answering a question that was never asked.

    And my name is no pseudonym. As Phiroze said above, why dont we meet up in Bombay at some time.

    This is my last post on this topic. If you are really serious, leave a comment here with the date and time to meet and I will be there. Am sure Phiroze will too.

    As for KoremandShahparast…ettiquette applies to internet conversations too. Speak when you are spoken to. Dont butt into conversations between two individuals. Its considered rude, both in real life and online.

  96. Cyrus Khumbata


    If you really lived in Bombay, you will realize that most people who grew up there and live there, still call it Bombay. Yes Mumbai may be the official name, that a political party did as a stunt to garner votes. It didnt change things. As usual you are stooping to petty arguements. I was expecting some Zarathushtra reason for this too. How come you didnt concoct one up?

    Your facebook profile (screen shot above) shows your name in Cyrillic script. And shows you standing in the foreground of some Central Asian looking building. Why does someone from Bombay…OK Mumbai for you….have that?

    The intention of the post was never to intimidate you. Please dont second guess yourself all the time. It was only to point out your constant propoganda on issues and topics that (you as an outsider ) do not concern you.

    You may be working in a secret facility. Yes India does welcome foreigners to collaborate on issues of science, technology, defence etc. Again, that distinction does not add anything to the topic at hand. Another instance of you answering a question that was never asked.

    And my name is no pseudonym. As Phiroze said above, why dont we meet up in Bombay at some time.

    This is my last post on this topic. If you are really serious, leave a comment here with the date and time to meet and I will be there. Am sure Phiroze will too.

    As for KoremandShahparast…ettiquette applies to internet conversations too. Speak when you are spoken to. Dont butt into conversations between two individuals. Its considered rude, both in real life and online.

  97. Cyrus Khumbata


    If you really lived in Bombay, you will realize that most people who grew up there and live there, still call it Bombay. Yes Mumbai may be the official name, that a political party did as a stunt to garner votes. It didnt change things. As usual you are stooping to petty arguements. I was expecting some Zarathushtra reason for this too. How come you didnt concoct one up?

    Your facebook profile (screen shot above) shows your name in Cyrillic script. And shows you standing in the foreground of some Central Asian looking building. Why does someone from Bombay…OK Mumbai for you….have that?

    The intention of the post was never to intimidate you. Please dont second guess yourself all the time. It was only to point out your constant propoganda on issues and topics that (you as an outsider ) do not concern you.

    You may be working in a secret facility. Yes India does welcome foreigners to collaborate on issues of science, technology, defence etc. Again, that distinction does not add anything to the topic at hand. Another instance of you answering a question that was never asked.

    And my name is no pseudonym. As Phiroze said above, why dont we meet up in Bombay at some time.

    This is my last post on this topic. If you are really serious, leave a comment here with the date and time to meet and I will be there. Am sure Phiroze will too.

    As for KoremandShahparast…ettiquette applies to internet conversations too. Speak when you are spoken to. Dont butt into conversations between two individuals. Its considered rude, both in real life and online.

  98. BEHROZE.

    So now you substitute “QUALITY FOR QUANTITY of NUMBERS”

  99. BEHROZE.

    So now you substitute “QUALITY FOR QUANTITY of NUMBERS”

  100. BEHROZE.

    So now you substitute “QUALITY FOR QUANTITY of NUMBERS”

  101. BEHROZE.

    TIME WILL TELL. Mr Phiroze.On this blog were you not the one to say that Bombay High Court judgment was pro Parsee? So it is for you now to justify the reasons for appealing against a ‘pro Parsee judgment’.!
    Years have taught me to remain silent for some time and allow people like you to swallow their own words. I shall revert back to persons like you at the appropriate time. That of course does not mean that I will not participate on this portal with other sensible minded persons.
    As somebody has said elsewhere on this portal,it is rank bad manners to poke one’s nose when two other persons are discussing. What is good for Khoremand Shahparast applies to you as well. Learn to speak when addressed to.Your provocations will meet a dead end as far as I go.

  102. BEHROZE.

    TIME WILL TELL. Mr Phiroze.On this blog were you not the one to say that Bombay High Court judgment was pro Parsee? So it is for you now to justify the reasons for appealing against a ‘pro Parsee judgment’.!
    Years have taught me to remain silent for some time and allow people like you to swallow their own words. I shall revert back to persons like you at the appropriate time. That of course does not mean that I will not participate on this portal with other sensible minded persons.
    As somebody has said elsewhere on this portal,it is rank bad manners to poke one’s nose when two other persons are discussing. What is good for Khoremand Shahparast applies to you as well. Learn to speak when addressed to.Your provocations will meet a dead end as far as I go.

  103. BEHROZE.

    TIME WILL TELL. Mr Phiroze.On this blog were you not the one to say that Bombay High Court judgment was pro Parsee? So it is for you now to justify the reasons for appealing against a ‘pro Parsee judgment’.!
    Years have taught me to remain silent for some time and allow people like you to swallow their own words. I shall revert back to persons like you at the appropriate time. That of course does not mean that I will not participate on this portal with other sensible minded persons.
    As somebody has said elsewhere on this portal,it is rank bad manners to poke one’s nose when two other persons are discussing. What is good for Khoremand Shahparast applies to you as well. Learn to speak when addressed to.Your provocations will meet a dead end as far as I go.

  104. BEHROZE.



    TO B.P.P.

  105. Phiroze

    It was pro parsee in the context that all ceremonies performed should be for parsees only and as per the tenets of religion. The appeal is justified under sec 25/26 of the constitution for excommunicating behdins like you and your gang of matrix. If you do not like to be shown your place then take your discussions to a private portal. I shall poke whatever and to whoever that spreads lies about PArsis or their religion

  106. Phiroze

    Cyrus, if scramble the alphabets of “barak” you get “bakra”. Just treat him and what he says like that.

    Bakra if you want to settle this face to face let us know.

  107. BEHROZE.



    TO B.P.P.

  108. BEHROZE.



    TO B.P.P.

  109. Phiroze

    It was pro parsee in the context that all ceremonies performed should be for parsees only and as per the tenets of religion. The appeal is justified under sec 25/26 of the constitution for excommunicating behdins like you and your gang of matrix. If you do not like to be shown your place then take your discussions to a private portal. I shall poke whatever and to whoever that spreads lies about PArsis or their religion

  110. Phiroze

    It was pro parsee in the context that all ceremonies performed should be for parsees only and as per the tenets of religion. The appeal is justified under sec 25/26 of the constitution for excommunicating behdins like you and your gang of matrix. If you do not like to be shown your place then take your discussions to a private portal. I shall poke whatever and to whoever that spreads lies about PArsis or their religion

  111. Phiroze

    Tell that to those who wanted change in BPP election procedure or adult franchise.

  112. Phiroze

    Tell that to those who wanted change in BPP election procedure or adult franchise.

  113. Phiroze

    Tell that to those who wanted change in BPP election procedure or adult franchise.

  114. Phiroze

    Cyrus, if scramble the alphabets of “barak” you get “bakra”. Just treat him and what he says like that.

    Bakra if you want to settle this face to face let us know.

  115. Phiroze

    Cyrus, if scramble the alphabets of “barak” you get “bakra”. Just treat him and what he says like that.

    Bakra if you want to settle this face to face let us know.

  116. KhoremandShahparast

    are you the owner of this blog? No.
    Are you the moderator here? No. Do any rules here say that a blogger like me, can’t reply to a a blogger who is doing personal panchaat on the blog? No. So what etiquette are you talking about, when you have yourself stoop to the level of trademark Parsi Colony toree-moree? No, don’t worry, i won’t stop you from doing useless non related with the topic ‘panchaat’ …each one here is allowed to showcase their family culture…I quite enjoy it. Pls continue, and if you have answers to my queries, you can reply. I will be waiting. Btw whats your etiquette lesson for your chela- Phiroze?

  117. KhoremandShahparast

    PS. Cyrusji, Bombay was the corruption of this city’s original name -Mumbai. I refer to it as – Mumbai and do many Bawas like me.
    There is an old PARSI owned News Paper by the name MUMBAI Samachar…It was named so, long time before the official change of name, because its readership mostly Parsis and Gujaratis acknowledged the name of their city as MUMBAI.
    If you are ashamed of calling our city as MUMBAI, you are free to leave for or would you like me to invite MNS workers here to pluck you out?

  118. BEHROZE.

    Excommunicating persons like me. OOh, I am trembling! Get me Cologne Water! If we have great ‘thinkers’ like Phiroze, embers of Fire in Fire Temples will get extinguished earlier than expected. Be conscious of realities and cease to live in 19th century, which situation was suitable for your grand parents. Think of your grand children if you are far sighted. But that will be expecting too much from a myopic.

  119. BEHROZE.

    Actually Barak, there has to be a provision for marking deliberate NO VOTE. What I mean is “NONE OF THE ABOVE CONTESTING CANDIDATES’ should also be treated as if it is a candidate so that if such abstentations are higher than highest votes garnered by the candidate, such a candidate WILL NOT BE ELECTED.

  120. Barak Aga

    Dear Phiroze / a.k.a. Cyrus,
    If I am a foreigner, how is it that I speak 3 Indian languages?

    If I am a foreigner how is it that I know Mumbai like the back of my hand?

    There is a matrimonial meet being organised on 11 May at Della Towers, Dadar Parsi Colony.

    As a foreigner, living thousands of miles away from India, how am I aware of it?

    How does a foreigner know that Parsi General Hospital was designed by Shapoorji Chandhabhoy?
    Foreigners working at sensitive installations in India need special clearance from the Intelligence Bureau and Ministry of External Affairs.
    I do not.
    Dear Phiroze,
    As for the photograph with the building in the background, it is not a Central Asian building. It is one of the most watched and famous places in the world.
    Are you aware that India generates more than US$ 10 billion annually from export of services? Indian professionals are sent on deputation the world over. Don’t people post photographs of themselves taken abroad?
    Suppose a photograph of me taken in Panchgani or Mahableshwar were on my profile, would it imply that I am a resident of those hill stations?

  121. Barak Aga

    Britain is debating scrapping the “First Past the Post” system for the proportional representation system.

    With introduction of elections for the post of Trustees, the stinging defeat handed down to the Punchayet in the Mirza-Madon case, the honourable section of the Zoroastrian community have got a toe in the door.

    It is a small, but significant beginning.

    Gradually they can chip away at the BPP, and bring changes one small step at a time.

    Statistics reveal that annually 33% to 44% of the community inter-marries.

    It implies that the present crop of Trustees is losing a sizeable chunk of eligible voters annually.

  122. Barak Aga

    Dear Behroze,
    Today’s edition of the WAPIZ advertisement has proclaimed the wife of Yezdi Desai as the candidate.
    They have even drawn parallels between the husband-wife Desai duo, and Sir Cowasjee Jehangir and his wife, Lady Jehangir being trustees together.
    The comparison ends there though. Sir Cowasjee Jehangir (Readymoney) donated vast sums not only to the Zoroastrian community, but also to the city of Mumbai, and the then British Government.
    In contrast, I understand that even though the Desai couple are filthy rich, they are partaking of charitable accommodation from the BPP.
    This election will decide whether the community will sink or swim.
    As they say, you get the government you deserve.

    This one is for Mr. Phiroze Cyrus Mahrukh Panthaky-Khambatta :

    Received not one but 2 copies of the Free Press Journal at my house in Central Asia.

    (For some strange reason they left 2 copies of the Free Press Journal at our residence).

  123. Contradhongi


    Pl be considerate towards dimwits who still seem to live in
    a different era. Such megalomaniacs assume that they are omnipotent but in
    reality end up providing comic relief in such highly drab topics. We all should thank Phiroze because comics and comedians are synonymous with nonsense.

  124. Arzan

    Dear Cyrus,

    You are right about these band of reformists ( That is what i call them ) They most certainly dont live in India and all this B.. S… about working in a secret facility is all crap. This group instigates people and are self styled google scholars who show off and question people.
    They know nothing except what they read on google try to pass it on as if they are some scholars on our relgion.

  125. KhoremandShahparast

    are you the owner of this blog? No.
    Are you the moderator here? No. Do any rules here say that a blogger like me, can’t reply to a a blogger who is doing personal panchaat on the blog? No. So what etiquette are you talking about, when you have yourself stoop to the level of trademark Parsi Colony toree-moree? No, don’t worry, i won’t stop you from doing useless non related with the topic ‘panchaat’ …each one here is allowed to showcase their family culture…I quite enjoy it. Pls continue, and if you have answers to my queries, you can reply. I will be waiting. Btw whats your etiquette lesson for your chela- Phiroze?

  126. KhoremandShahparast

    are you the owner of this blog? No.
    Are you the moderator here? No. Do any rules here say that a blogger like me, can’t reply to a a blogger who is doing personal panchaat on the blog? No. So what etiquette are you talking about, when you have yourself stoop to the level of trademark Parsi Colony toree-moree? No, don’t worry, i won’t stop you from doing useless non related with the topic ‘panchaat’ …each one here is allowed to showcase their family culture…I quite enjoy it. Pls continue, and if you have answers to my queries, you can reply. I will be waiting. Btw whats your etiquette lesson for your chela- Phiroze?

  127. F. Kanga.

    Many Athornans forgot reciting Satum prayers. They are too preoccupied praying for themselves Patet Pashemani. They easily forget their deceased ancestors. That is known as piety !

  128. KhoremandShahparast

    PS. Cyrusji, Bombay was the corruption of this city’s original name -Mumbai. I refer to it as – Mumbai and do many Bawas like me.
    There is an old PARSI owned News Paper by the name MUMBAI Samachar…It was named so, long time before the official change of name, because its readership mostly Parsis and Gujaratis acknowledged the name of their city as MUMBAI.
    If you are ashamed of calling our city as MUMBAI, you are free to leave for or would you like me to invite MNS workers here to pluck you out?

  129. KhoremandShahparast

    PS. Cyrusji, Bombay was the corruption of this city’s original name -Mumbai. I refer to it as – Mumbai and do many Bawas like me.
    There is an old PARSI owned News Paper by the name MUMBAI Samachar…It was named so, long time before the official change of name, because its readership mostly Parsis and Gujaratis acknowledged the name of their city as MUMBAI.
    If you are ashamed of calling our city as MUMBAI, you are free to leave for or would you like me to invite MNS workers here to pluck you out?

  130. KhoremandShahparast

    PS. Cyrusji, Bombay was the corruption of this city’s original name -Mumbai. I refer to it as – Mumbai and do many Bawas like me.
    There is an old PARSI owned News Paper by the name MUMBAI Samachar…It was named so, long time before the official change of name, because its readership mostly Parsis and Gujaratis acknowledged the name of their city as MUMBAI.
    If you are ashamed of calling our city as MUMBAI, you are free to leave for or would you like me to invite MNS workers here to pluck you out?

  131. BEHROZE.

    Excommunicating persons like me. OOh, I am trembling! Get me Cologne Water! If we have great ‘thinkers’ like Phiroze, embers of Fire in Fire Temples will get extinguished earlier than expected. Be conscious of realities and cease to live in 19th century, which situation was suitable for your grand parents. Think of your grand children if you are far sighted. But that will be expecting too much from a myopic.

  132. BEHROZE.

    Excommunicating persons like me. OOh, I am trembling! Get me Cologne Water! If we have great ‘thinkers’ like Phiroze, embers of Fire in Fire Temples will get extinguished earlier than expected. Be conscious of realities and cease to live in 19th century, which situation was suitable for your grand parents. Think of your grand children if you are far sighted. But that will be expecting too much from a myopic.

  133. BEHROZE.

    Actually Barak, there has to be a provision for marking deliberate NO VOTE. What I mean is “NONE OF THE ABOVE CONTESTING CANDIDATES’ should also be treated as if it is a candidate so that if such abstentations are higher than highest votes garnered by the candidate, such a candidate WILL NOT BE ELECTED.

  134. BEHROZE.

    Actually Barak, there has to be a provision for marking deliberate NO VOTE. What I mean is “NONE OF THE ABOVE CONTESTING CANDIDATES’ should also be treated as if it is a candidate so that if such abstentations are higher than highest votes garnered by the candidate, such a candidate WILL NOT BE ELECTED.

  135. Barak Aga

    Dear Phiroze / a.k.a. Cyrus,
    If I am a foreigner, how is it that I speak 3 Indian languages?

    If I am a foreigner how is it that I know Mumbai like the back of my hand?

    There is a matrimonial meet being organised on 11 May at Della Towers, Dadar Parsi Colony.

    As a foreigner, living thousands of miles away from India, how am I aware of it?

    How does a foreigner know that Parsi General Hospital was designed by Shapoorji Chandhabhoy?
    Foreigners working at sensitive installations in India need special clearance from the Intelligence Bureau and Ministry of External Affairs.
    I do not.
    Dear Phiroze,
    As for the photograph with the building in the background, it is not a Central Asian building. It is one of the most watched and famous places in the world.
    Are you aware that India generates more than US$ 10 billion annually from export of services? Indian professionals are sent on deputation the world over. Don’t people post photographs of themselves taken abroad?
    Suppose a photograph of me taken in Panchgani or Mahableshwar were on my profile, would it imply that I am a resident of those hill stations?

  136. Barak Aga

    Dear Phiroze / a.k.a. Cyrus,
    If I am a foreigner, how is it that I speak 3 Indian languages?

    If I am a foreigner how is it that I know Mumbai like the back of my hand?

    There is a matrimonial meet being organised on 11 May at Della Towers, Dadar Parsi Colony.

    As a foreigner, living thousands of miles away from India, how am I aware of it?

    How does a foreigner know that Parsi General Hospital was designed by Shapoorji Chandhabhoy?
    Foreigners working at sensitive installations in India need special clearance from the Intelligence Bureau and Ministry of External Affairs.
    I do not.
    Dear Phiroze,
    As for the photograph with the building in the background, it is not a Central Asian building. It is one of the most watched and famous places in the world.
    Are you aware that India generates more than US$ 10 billion annually from export of services? Indian professionals are sent on deputation the world over. Don’t people post photographs of themselves taken abroad?
    Suppose a photograph of me taken in Panchgani or Mahableshwar were on my profile, would it imply that I am a resident of those hill stations?

  137. BEHROZE.

    In our prayers, like Stum, we refer to Sheher e Mumbai not Bombay. These ‘religious minded’ought to know.

  138. Barak Aga

    Britain is debating scrapping the “First Past the Post” system for the proportional representation system.

    With introduction of elections for the post of Trustees, the stinging defeat handed down to the Punchayet in the Mirza-Madon case, the honourable section of the Zoroastrian community have got a toe in the door.

    It is a small, but significant beginning.

    Gradually they can chip away at the BPP, and bring changes one small step at a time.

    Statistics reveal that annually 33% to 44% of the community inter-marries.

    It implies that the present crop of Trustees is losing a sizeable chunk of eligible voters annually.

  139. Barak Aga

    Britain is debating scrapping the “First Past the Post” system for the proportional representation system.

    With introduction of elections for the post of Trustees, the stinging defeat handed down to the Punchayet in the Mirza-Madon case, the honourable section of the Zoroastrian community have got a toe in the door.

    It is a small, but significant beginning.

    Gradually they can chip away at the BPP, and bring changes one small step at a time.

    Statistics reveal that annually 33% to 44% of the community inter-marries.

    It implies that the present crop of Trustees is losing a sizeable chunk of eligible voters annually.

  140. Barak Aga

    Dear Behroze,
    Today’s edition of the WAPIZ advertisement has proclaimed the wife of Yezdi Desai as the candidate.
    They have even drawn parallels between the husband-wife Desai duo, and Sir Cowasjee Jehangir and his wife, Lady Jehangir being trustees together.
    The comparison ends there though. Sir Cowasjee Jehangir (Readymoney) donated vast sums not only to the Zoroastrian community, but also to the city of Mumbai, and the then British Government.
    In contrast, I understand that even though the Desai couple are filthy rich, they are partaking of charitable accommodation from the BPP.
    This election will decide whether the community will sink or swim.
    As they say, you get the government you deserve.

    This one is for Mr. Phiroze Cyrus Mahrukh Panthaky-Khambatta :

    Received not one but 2 copies of the Free Press Journal at my house in Central Asia.

    (For some strange reason they left 2 copies of the Free Press Journal at our residence).

  141. Barak Aga

    Dear Behroze,
    Today’s edition of the WAPIZ advertisement has proclaimed the wife of Yezdi Desai as the candidate.
    They have even drawn parallels between the husband-wife Desai duo, and Sir Cowasjee Jehangir and his wife, Lady Jehangir being trustees together.
    The comparison ends there though. Sir Cowasjee Jehangir (Readymoney) donated vast sums not only to the Zoroastrian community, but also to the city of Mumbai, and the then British Government.
    In contrast, I understand that even though the Desai couple are filthy rich, they are partaking of charitable accommodation from the BPP.
    This election will decide whether the community will sink or swim.
    As they say, you get the government you deserve.

    This one is for Mr. Phiroze Cyrus Mahrukh Panthaky-Khambatta :

    Received not one but 2 copies of the Free Press Journal at my house in Central Asia.

    (For some strange reason they left 2 copies of the Free Press Journal at our residence).

  142. Contradhongi


    Pl be considerate towards dimwits who still seem to live in
    a different era. Such megalomaniacs assume that they are omnipotent but in
    reality end up providing comic relief in such highly drab topics. We all should thank Phiroze because comics and comedians are synonymous with nonsense.

  143. Contradhongi


    Pl be considerate towards dimwits who still seem to live in
    a different era. Such megalomaniacs assume that they are omnipotent but in
    reality end up providing comic relief in such highly drab topics. We all should thank Phiroze because comics and comedians are synonymous with nonsense.

  144. Arzan

    Dear Cyrus,

    You are right about these band of reformists ( That is what i call them ) They most certainly dont live in India and all this B.. S… about working in a secret facility is all crap. This group instigates people and are self styled google scholars who show off and question people.
    They know nothing except what they read on google try to pass it on as if they are some scholars on our relgion.

  145. Arzan

    Dear Cyrus,

    You are right about these band of reformists ( That is what i call them ) They most certainly dont live in India and all this B.. S… about working in a secret facility is all crap. This group instigates people and are self styled google scholars who show off and question people.
    They know nothing except what they read on google try to pass it on as if they are some scholars on our relgion.

  146. F. Kanga.

    Many Athornans forgot reciting Satum prayers. They are too preoccupied praying for themselves Patet Pashemani. They easily forget their deceased ancestors. That is known as piety !

  147. F. Kanga.

    Many Athornans forgot reciting Satum prayers. They are too preoccupied praying for themselves Patet Pashemani. They easily forget their deceased ancestors. That is known as piety !

  148. Shaimak. Madon.

    -That they should form their own “Club” ;
    = Dissenters are all Reformists !
    – They should contest elections to prove their majority. (though he shudders at contesting to establish his own support base.)
    Firstly I do not know, who has given authority to this gentleman to pass verdicts.

  149. Farsak Ashli

    When some self

    pure Parsees (Charity Colony style) are short of discussing rationally and
    match the caliber of the opponents , they start barking filth like using the
    word to connote the opposite person as illegitimately born. That itself shows
    their own upbringing and what their own parents taught them.

    Another regular who relishes reading his own name appear on
    the portal, has the habit of ‘inviting’ those,( including a lady ) with whom he cannot match is
    intelligence, for a drink. Implicit in
    this ‘invitation’ is the hint of ‘handiagiri’, -of threat of matching brawns if not brains. One can
    understand the frustration of this twosome. But my question is why they put on
    pretence of being interested in ‘issue
    based discussion’ if their belief is in
    hooliganism. In fact their faith in
    handiagiri is itself unbecoming of a peace loving Parsi Zoroastrian and they
    should be deported to U.P. or Bihar. Just by residing in a Colony
    for Parsees, one does not become a Parsee Zoroastrian. If that were so,
    all ‘Kaam wali Bais’ would claim to be
    Parsees. It is the language that one uses, the behavior and conduct that separates
    a true Parsi Zoroastrian from
    uncouth elements living in hutments and slums.
    The language one uses is a sure
    giveaway exposing their background. These twosome should in fact be grateful
    against whom they have a grudge, for engaging them in a brainstorming
    sessions. It is a different matter if the twosome cannot be good and sporting matches.


  150. Danishpd

    Neme calling indicates primaqry school boy mentality. I am in secondary section in my school and we are penalised for calling names to other boys of the school. I just happened to read your letter here because the page was opened by my mother. I will sorry that you adults behave in a manner which we schol boys are told is ragging and is punishable. Soory Phiroze uncle if I have spoken too much to an elder and you may call it “Nalle Mohne Motee Vaat” I am 1996 born.

  151. Arzan

    Dear Barak –
    1/By claiming you know 3 languages does not mean you know them. Its your claim not an established fact.
    2/You claim that you know Mumbai at the back of your hand. Its a claim not an established fact.
    3/Citing a matrimonial meet meet on May 11 does not make you a local. Anyone can get it from the net.
    4/You dont have to be a local to know who designed the PGH.
    5/ Foreigners need clearance from intellegence for working at sensitive locations but you do not. Thats again a claim you have made but not established.
    Stop showing off we are not interested if you are a scientist or a sweeper at a critical location.

  152. Arzan

    Dear Barak –
    1/By claiming you know 3 languages does not mean you know them. Its your claim not an established fact.
    2/You claim that you know Mumbai at the back of your hand. Its a claim not an established fact.
    3/Citing a matrimonial meet meet on May 11 does not make you a local. Anyone can get it from the net.
    4/You dont have to be a local to know who designed the PGH.
    5/ Foreigners need clearance from intellegence for working at sensitive locations but you do not. Thats again a claim you have made but not established.
    Stop showing off we are not interested if you are a scientist or a sweeper at a critical location.

  153. Arzan

    Dear Barak –
    1/By claiming you know 3 languages does not mean you know them. Its your claim not an established fact.
    2/You claim that you know Mumbai at the back of your hand. Its a claim not an established fact.
    3/Citing a matrimonial meet meet on May 11 does not make you a local. Anyone can get it from the net.
    4/You dont have to be a local to know who designed the PGH.
    5/ Foreigners need clearance from intellegence for working at sensitive locations but you do not. Thats again a claim you have made but not established.
    Stop showing off we are not interested if you are a scientist or a sweeper at a critical location.

  154. Meheryar Rivetna

    Thank you, Danish. Very well said. The adults talk of being civil and expect civility from others. One must practice what one preaches. I am happy that there are still some sensible Parsi boys and girls in the community.

  155. Meheryar Rivetna

    Thank you, Danish. Very well said. The adults talk of being civil and expect civility from others. One must practice what one preaches. I am happy that there are still some sensible Parsi boys and girls in the community.

  156. Barak Aga

    Check the voters’ list at

    Then take up the issue with your friends who are in power, as to how a Central Asian managed to get his name on the list.

    Recently US President Barack Obama was forced to procure the long form of his birth certificate from Hawaii.

    Also my nationality has nothing to do with this debate. No one on this site is accountable to you. We shall continue posting here, and there’s nothing you can do about it, windbag

  157. Phiroze

    We shall see if you get extinguished earlier or the fire embers!!!!!

  158. Phiroze

    It is better to live openly then to multiply in hiding. Glad to bring some relief in your drab life.

  159. Phiroze

    bakra, even i have read it on the net. it need not be delivered to me. get the point?. Why don’t you prove your Indian linguistic skills by having a open debate with me on any topic of your choice in any of these languages. Let me know the date and time or are you going to chicken out again as usuall?. The reason they must have left two copies is you can read it again if u do not understand it the first time ;)

  160. Phiroze

    We can match any giri with the same of our own. Let me know if you or anyone else is open for a public debate on any topic concerning the PArsis. We can show how good and sporting we are. Hope you too do not chicken out like the rest.

  161. Phiroze

    We shall see if you get extinguished earlier or the fire embers!!!!!

  162. Phiroze

    We shall see if you get extinguished earlier or the fire embers!!!!!

  163. Phiroze

    It is better to live openly then to multiply in hiding. Glad to bring some relief in your drab life.

  164. Phiroze

    It is better to live openly then to multiply in hiding. Glad to bring some relief in your drab life.

  165. Phiroze

    bakra, even i have read it on the net. it need not be delivered to me. get the point?. Why don’t you prove your Indian linguistic skills by having a open debate with me on any topic of your choice in any of these languages. Let me know the date and time or are you going to chicken out again as usuall?. The reason they must have left two copies is you can read it again if u do not understand it the first time ;)

  166. Phiroze

    bakra, even i have read it on the net. it need not be delivered to me. get the point?. Why don’t you prove your Indian linguistic skills by having a open debate with me on any topic of your choice in any of these languages. Let me know the date and time or are you going to chicken out again as usuall?. The reason they must have left two copies is you can read it again if u do not understand it the first time ;)

  167. Phiroze

    We can match any giri with the same of our own. Let me know if you or anyone else is open for a public debate on any topic concerning the PArsis. We can show how good and sporting we are. Hope you too do not chicken out like the rest.

  168. Phiroze

    We can match any giri with the same of our own. Let me know if you or anyone else is open for a public debate on any topic concerning the PArsis. We can show how good and sporting we are. Hope you too do not chicken out like the rest.

  169. Contradhongi

    Some few days back u claimed that Dadar Parsi Colony had larger numbers, so were they due to multiplication by hiding? Talk sense and do not cotradict your own ealier ‘messages’.

  170. Contradhongi

    Here to talk of numbers and in another of your ‘message’ you talk about “It is better to live openly then to multiply in hiding. Glad to bring some relief in your drab life.’ Are u suggesting that Parsis in DPC multiply in hiding? Do u know what u r writing?

  171. Contradhongi.

    Barak,Since bppvoters list is in English and very long, pl also provide these geniuses ! with cecertificate number and Register Number. They are very busy, you know

  172. Contradhongi

    Some few days back u claimed that Dadar Parsi Colony had larger numbers, so were they due to multiplication by hiding? Talk sense and do not cotradict your own ealier ‘messages’.

  173. Contradhongi

    Some few days back u claimed that Dadar Parsi Colony had larger numbers, so were they due to multiplication by hiding? Talk sense and do not cotradict your own ealier ‘messages’.

  174. Contradhongi

    Here to talk of numbers and in another of your ‘message’ you talk about “It is better to live openly then to multiply in hiding. Glad to bring some relief in your drab life.’ Are u suggesting that Parsis in DPC multiply in hiding? Do u know what u r writing?

  175. Contradhongi

    Here to talk of numbers and in another of your ‘message’ you talk about “It is better to live openly then to multiply in hiding. Glad to bring some relief in your drab life.’ Are u suggesting that Parsis in DPC multiply in hiding? Do u know what u r writing?

  176. Contradhongi.

    Barak,Since bppvoters list is in English and very long, pl also provide these geniuses ! with cecertificate number and Register Number. They are very busy, you know

  177. Contradhongi.

    Barak,Since bppvoters list is in English and very long, pl also provide these geniuses ! with cecertificate number and Register Number. They are very busy, you know

  178. Dorab.

    Barak bawa, Here I agree with Farsak and beg to disagree with you. Are u not aware of campaign against corruption? So why involve bureaucrats in our property matters? I am not saying that everything in B.P.P. should be allowed to go on as it does. Yes , professionalism is the need of the hour and not just change in office lay out and office furniture.