Plans to convert the defunct Parsi Lying-In Hospital in Fort into a super-specialty orthopaedic and sports medicine centre has been rejected by the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP), the lease-holder of the century-old property.
In March, the hospital’s managing committee had signed a memorandum with Krimson Healthcare, a health services company, to create a 30-year lease for a 110-bed facility at an annual lease of Rs1 crore, but the BPP which has to give the final nod rejected the deal earlier this month, saying that the committee was not authorised to sign the agreement.
Dinshaw Mehta, chairperson of the BPP, said: “The proposal is a sell-out because a property worth Rs100 crore is being leased out for an annual rent of Rs1 crore. The managing committee signed the agreement in March and informed us only in September. They do not have the power to sign any agreement as we are the owners of the hospital.”
Mehta said that the hospital’s managing committee had signed an agreement without calling for public bids to lease the property. The Parsi Lying-In hospital was inaugurated in March 1893. Built at a cost of just over Rs1 lakh, it was built like European maternity hospitals where new mothers were cared for a few weeks after child birth. But as the Parsi-Zoroastrian community’s birth rate plummeted, the hospital was closed down. There were attempts to put it to other use, including a proposal to make it an extension of a neighbouring school.The managing committee had said that since the property was lying unused for more than a decade, the orthopaedic hospital was a good idea. Committee members were not available for comment.
Dr Prakash Khubchandani of Krimson Healthcare said that the 99-year-old lease for the hospital expired in 1992. “We are renewing the lease. We are keen to continue with the project. We have worked on it. Doctors from India and from Cedar Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles are involved in the project and we have also appointed heritage experts as the building is heritage listed.”
“The terms of agreement are well defined and it has the permission of the charity commissioner. It is not that we are just paying Rs1 crore as lease. We will be spending nearly Rs100 crore to develop the hospital and will also pay annual lease rent to the government besides share the revenue with the trust,” Khubchandani said.
“The two trusts are having a meeting on the issue. It is up to them to resolve the problem.”When the project was announced, there were fears among Parsi-Zoroastrians that it will not benefit them, but Krimson Healthcare has said that the hospital will revert back to the community after the end of the lease period.
It is really sad the BPP has rejected this deal. Why cant they understand that this property, which is lying unused for a decade can be put to some good use and also incur some income for our community. BPP can make an agreement with Krimson Healthcare that out of 110 beds atleast 25 beds should be kept for parsees only ( it is not clear from this report that this is going to be a cosmopolitan hospital.). This income can be used in our Parsee General Hospital where many poor parsees are cared for free.
It is really sad the BPP has rejected this deal. Why cant they understand that this property, which is lying unused for a decade can be put to some good use and also incur some income for our community. BPP can make an agreement with Krimson Healthcare that out of 110 beds atleast 25 beds should be kept for parsees only ( it is not clear from this report that this is going to be a cosmopolitan hospital.). This income can be used in our Parsee General Hospital where many poor parsees are cared for free.
It is really sad the BPP has rejected this deal. Why cant they understand that this property, which is lying unused for a decade can be put to some good use and also incur some income for our community. BPP can make an agreement with Krimson Healthcare that out of 110 beds atleast 25 beds should be kept for parsees only ( it is not clear from this report that this is going to be a cosmopolitan hospital.). This income can be used in our Parsee General Hospital where many poor parsees are cared for free.
Excellent. 7 trustees cannot take a correct decision. they must unite and sort this out peacefully and amicable for upliftment of our community.
Excellent. 7 trustees cannot take a correct decision. they must unite and sort this out peacefully and amicable for upliftment of our community.
Excellent. 7 trustees cannot take a correct decision. they must unite and sort this out peacefully and amicable for upliftment of our community.
You must be really naive to think it would be for Parsis only. How does one enforce an agreement if later Krimson goes back on its promises or finds it unprofitable to do so? Do you think they are investing 100 crores to develope it for the love of Parsis?.
You must be really naive to think it would be for Parsis only. How does one enforce an agreement if later Krimson goes back on its promises or finds it unprofitable to do so? Do you think they are investing 100 crores to develope it for the love of Parsis?.
You must be really naive to think it would be for Parsis only. How does one enforce an agreement if later Krimson goes back on its promises or finds it unprofitable to do so? Do you think they are investing 100 crores to develope it for the love of Parsis?.
While I agree with Ms. Pardiwala’s suggestion of reservation of beds for members of our community, I would like to tell Mr. Mullaphiroze that the game plan is to see that numbers of Community dwindle further so that these Builder elements can benefit in future. Already family members of existing Trustees are being groomed to take over. If the Trustees were sincere, they could have renegotiated the deal but the ‘policy’ is to wait till our numbers are 25,000 and then open plunder will start.
So Ms Paerdiwalla, all practical suggestions are useless with cussed individuals who have come to power and want to act as vultures of properties handed over by ancestors.
Rumors are floating that in the ensuing Samast Anjuman Meeting, ‘arrangements’ have been made to boo and silence all those who ask uncomfortable questions and henchmen and sycophants will be placed strategically to do the ‘good’ work.’ Democracy Gaddafi style.
While I agree with Ms. Pardiwala’s suggestion of reservation of beds for members of our community, I would like to tell Mr. Mullaphiroze that the game plan is to see that numbers of Community dwindle further so that these Builder elements can benefit in future. Already family members of existing Trustees are being groomed to take over. If the Trustees were sincere, they could have renegotiated the deal but the ‘policy’ is to wait till our numbers are 25,000 and then open plunder will start.
So Ms Paerdiwalla, all practical suggestions are useless with cussed individuals who have come to power and want to act as vultures of properties handed over by ancestors.
Rumors are floating that in the ensuing Samast Anjuman Meeting, ‘arrangements’ have been made to boo and silence all those who ask uncomfortable questions and henchmen and sycophants will be placed strategically to do the ‘good’ work.’ Democracy Gaddafi style.
While I agree with Ms. Pardiwala’s suggestion of reservation of beds for members of our community, I would like to tell Mr. Mullaphiroze that the game plan is to see that numbers of Community dwindle further so that these Builder elements can benefit in future. Already family members of existing Trustees are being groomed to take over. If the Trustees were sincere, they could have renegotiated the deal but the ‘policy’ is to wait till our numbers are 25,000 and then open plunder will start.
So Ms Paerdiwalla, all practical suggestions are useless with cussed individuals who have come to power and want to act as vultures of properties handed over by ancestors.
Rumors are floating that in the ensuing Samast Anjuman Meeting, ‘arrangements’ have been made to boo and silence all those who ask uncomfortable questions and henchmen and sycophants will be placed strategically to do the ‘good’ work.’ Democracy Gaddafi style.
While I agree with Ms. Pardiwala’s suggestion of reservation of beds for members of our community, I would like to tell Mr. Mullaphiroze that the game plan is to see that numbers of Community dwindle further so that these Builder elements can benefit in future. Already family members of existing Trustees are being groomed to take over. If the Trustees were sincere, they could have renegotiated the deal but the ‘policy’ is to wait till our numbers are 25,000 and then open plunder will start.
So Ms Paerdiwalla, all practical suggestions are useless with cussed individuals who have come to power and want to act as vultures of properties handed over by ancestors.
Rumors are floating that in the ensuing Samast Anjuman Meeting, ‘arrangements’ have been made to boo and silence all those who ask uncomfortable questions and henchmen and sycophants will be placed strategically to do the ‘good’ work.’ Democracy Gaddafi style.
First you do not want to contest elections and then curse those who do and get elected. Secondly why can’t all the so called practical suggesters togather not oppose or out boo these so called strategically arranged henchmen and sycophants ??????????
First you do not want to contest elections and then curse those who do and get elected. Secondly why can’t all the so called practical suggesters togather not oppose or out boo these so called strategically arranged henchmen and sycophants ??????????
First you do not want to contest elections and then curse those who do and get elected. Secondly why can’t all the so called practical suggesters togather not oppose or out boo these so called strategically arranged henchmen and sycophants ??????????
What an irony of fate. We have more gaddafis, rajas,kalmadis and kanimozhis in parsi community. we only elect them in haste and then repent at leisure. samast anjuman meeting is just an eyewash. Do you think there will be transparency ? why 7 trustees do not have courage to declare their personal balance sheets in newspapers and on the internet ?? why they are not declaring housing pending allotments and future plans for the upliftment of the community. What are they doing for removing unemployment from the community ? Why they are not helping small entrepreneurs to start their businesses ?? Poverty is increasing day by day.They are all busy making money for themselves. What they have spent for canvassing, they have to recover now. I now personally feel that universal adult franchise is a very big disadvantage to parsee community. We have all elected wrong set of trustees. I feel sorry for the community. Really shameful.
What an irony of fate. We have more gaddafis, rajas,kalmadis and kanimozhis in parsi community. we only elect them in haste and then repent at leisure. samast anjuman meeting is just an eyewash. Do you think there will be transparency ? why 7 trustees do not have courage to declare their personal balance sheets in newspapers and on the internet ?? why they are not declaring housing pending allotments and future plans for the upliftment of the community. What are they doing for removing unemployment from the community ? Why they are not helping small entrepreneurs to start their businesses ?? Poverty is increasing day by day.They are all busy making money for themselves. What they have spent for canvassing, they have to recover now. I now personally feel that universal adult franchise is a very big disadvantage to parsee community. We have all elected wrong set of trustees. I feel sorry for the community. Really shameful.
What an irony of fate. We have more gaddafis, rajas,kalmadis and kanimozhis in parsi community. we only elect them in haste and then repent at leisure. samast anjuman meeting is just an eyewash. Do you think there will be transparency ? why 7 trustees do not have courage to declare their personal balance sheets in newspapers and on the internet ?? why they are not declaring housing pending allotments and future plans for the upliftment of the community. What are they doing for removing unemployment from the community ? Why they are not helping small entrepreneurs to start their businesses ?? Poverty is increasing day by day.They are all busy making money for themselves. What they have spent for canvassing, they have to recover now. I now personally feel that universal adult franchise is a very big disadvantage to parsee community. We have all elected wrong set of trustees. I feel sorry for the community. Really shameful.
All those who contested Elections had the monetary ability to feed gluttons of various Parsee Colonies and I certainly do not have that type of resources. If those elected had genuine desire to serve, then why did they ‘invest’ in feeding and providing booze?
@Arzan, there are chamchas who will attend samast anjuman meet and ensure that they bully and silence all persons who raise legitimate questions of accountability. If the Trustees are genuinely interested in transparency, then BPP Auditors should be present on dais to answer questions. So Arzan there are several intellectual Parsees like you and me but numerically there are more who think from their belly and thats a tragedy.
do you remember how 16 year olds were forcefully made drunk in discos just in the name of canvassing. how can we forget this.
you have already lost one election. why don’t you stand again next time.
do you remember how 16 year olds were forcefully made drunk in discos just in the name of canvassing. how can we forget this.
do you remember how 16 year olds were forcefully made drunk in discos just in the name of canvassing. how can we forget this.
you have already lost one election. why don’t you stand again next time.
you have already lost one election. why don’t you stand again next time.
Contra, if you are really as good and genuine as you claim, you would get elected even if you do not feed any as long as your manifesto is worth the paper it is printed on.
Are you not genuine? If yes then as per your reasoning you could be a sure winner if you contest. Why do you prescribe medicine without yourself trying it out.?
Contra, if you are really as good and genuine as you claim, you would get elected even if you do not feed any as long as your manifesto is worth the paper it is printed on.
Contra, if you are really as good and genuine as you claim, you would get elected even if you do not feed any as long as your manifesto is worth the paper it is printed on.
Are you not genuine? If yes then as per your reasoning you could be a sure winner if you contest. Why do you prescribe medicine without yourself trying it out.?
Are you not genuine? If yes then as per your reasoning you could be a sure winner if you contest. Why do you prescribe medicine without yourself trying it out.?
CDhongi, you are one of those who are always pointing fingers at others but have nothing to show by your actions. Is this geniune? If you do not like something done by others, you do it better and show the community.
CDhongi, you are one of those who are always pointing fingers at others but have nothing to show by your actions. Is this geniune? If you do not like something done by others, you do it better and show the community.
CDhongi, you are one of those who are always pointing fingers at others but have nothing to show by your actions. Is this geniune? If you do not like something done by others, you do it better and show the community.
Phiroze, It is you who often tell others to contest elections knowing full well that requires money power.So first you contest elections and let us see your support base before preaching. Persons like you will indulge in flattery of those occupying chairs in high places to curry favours but all are not in your class. Persons like you will detest Auditors. One who is objective will appreciate criticism of opponent than laurels and compliments of chamchas.
Phiroze, It is you who often tell others to contest elections knowing full well that requires money power.So first you contest elections and let us see your support base before preaching. Persons like you will indulge in flattery of those occupying chairs in high places to curry favours but all are not in your class. Persons like you will detest Auditors. One who is objective will appreciate criticism of opponent than laurels and compliments of chamchas.
Phiroze, It is you who often tell others to contest elections knowing full well that requires money power.So first you contest elections and let us see your support base before preaching. Persons like you will indulge in flattery of those occupying chairs in high places to curry favours but all are not in your class. Persons like you will detest Auditors. One who is objective will appreciate criticism of opponent than laurels and compliments of chamchas.
Phiroze, I have read past messages of likes of you ridiculing chances of M. Cama. You have seen the result. Why you did not contest then? Were you scared of losing? To me it s as a saying goes, it is better to be a dissatisfied Socrates than a satisfied pig. That sums up the approach of those who point out faults.
Phiroze, I have read past messages of likes of you ridiculing chances of M. Cama. You have seen the result. Why you did not contest then? Were you scared of losing? To me it s as a saying goes, it is better to be a dissatisfied Socrates than a satisfied pig. That sums up the approach of those who point out faults.
Phiroze, I have read past messages of likes of you ridiculing chances of M. Cama. You have seen the result. Why you did not contest then? Were you scared of losing? To me it s as a saying goes, it is better to be a dissatisfied Socrates than a satisfied pig. That sums up the approach of those who point out faults.
So according to you Trustees are doing a fine job and should not be questioned. Good if that be so. But do you understand the concept of Opportunity Cost. By keeping the place shut, is not the community losing out on rent which the place would have otherwise earned?
Is this not a monetary loss to the entire community? Giving the place to some hospital to run would generate income so that Compounds of Colonies do not have to be given for film shooting on pretext of generating income.
So according to you Trustees are doing a fine job and should not be questioned. Good if that be so. But do you understand the concept of Opportunity Cost. By keeping the place shut, is not the community losing out on rent which the place would have otherwise earned?
Is this not a monetary loss to the entire community? Giving the place to some hospital to run would generate income so that Compounds of Colonies do not have to be given for film shooting on pretext of generating income.
So according to you Trustees are doing a fine job and should not be questioned. Good if that be so. But do you understand the concept of Opportunity Cost. By keeping the place shut, is not the community losing out on rent which the place would have otherwise earned?
Is this not a monetary loss to the entire community? Giving the place to some hospital to run would generate income so that Compounds of Colonies do not have to be given for film shooting on pretext of generating income.
Why Bpp cannot decide anything concrete for this hospital. It took ten years for them to take a negative decion. Still they cannot decide. Why ?
What has mr. cama done in last 5 months. Just Nothing for the parsi community. He will be fed up like mr. dadrawala very soon. history will repeat itself again.
Why Bpp cannot decide anything concrete for this hospital. It took ten years for them to take a negative decion. Still they cannot decide. Why ?
Why Bpp cannot decide anything concrete for this hospital. It took ten years for them to take a negative decion. Still they cannot decide. Why ?
What has mr. cama done in last 5 months. Just Nothing for the parsi community. He will be fed up like mr. dadrawala very soon. history will repeat itself again.
What has mr. cama done in last 5 months. Just Nothing for the parsi community. He will be fed up like mr. dadrawala very soon. history will repeat itself again.
Tehmul is this the place to question the trustees?. Do you think they are bothered by what you and anyone else write here? Do you understand the workings of trusts?
Tehmul, if I point out faults does it make me a dissatisfied Socrates or a satisfied pig to use your own saying? Bawa there is no use of talking big here on a blog. You have to walk your talk to make an iot aof difference.
Tehmul is this the place to question the trustees?. Do you think they are bothered by what you and anyone else write here? Do you understand the workings of trusts?
Tehmul is this the place to question the trustees?. Do you think they are bothered by what you and anyone else write here? Do you understand the workings of trusts?
Cdhongi, all I am saying is where is everyone of you when the elections are conducted? Why crib after the deed is done?. Why not become a Trustee and show how or what you can do? Why not act instead of just criticising?
Cdhongi, all I am saying is where is everyone of you when the elections are conducted? Why crib after the deed is done?. Why not become a Trustee and show how or what you can do? Why not act instead of just criticising?
Tehmul, if I point out faults does it make me a dissatisfied Socrates or a satisfied pig to use your own saying? Bawa there is no use of talking big here on a blog. You have to walk your talk to make an iot aof difference.
Tehmul, if I point out faults does it make me a dissatisfied Socrates or a satisfied pig to use your own saying? Bawa there is no use of talking big here on a blog. You have to walk your talk to make an iot aof difference.
Had there been activity of this level of intensity on the internet a half of the present Trustees would never have have got elected. People were taken in by the war cry of “Religion in Danger’ from Dhobhee Talavwallas and the electorate is repenting now was could be assessed from outcome of last election.You may be a clerk or an administrator of a Charity Trust, whereas I have managed large Charity as well as Private Trust and I assume my knowledge of operations of Trusts is adequate.
What difference have you made. Have yt-ou been able to influence the readers by your worn out L.P. record?
I fully agree with you. Now the electorate is repenting completely and we must follow up on what trustees are really doing for the community irrespective of whether they read on the internet or not. we must ask questions to them.
I fully agree with you. Now the electorate is repenting completely and we must follow up on what trustees are really doing for the community irrespective of whether they read on the internet or not. we must ask questions to them.
I fully agree with you. Now the electorate is repenting completely and we must follow up on what trustees are really doing for the community irrespective of whether they read on the internet or not. we must ask questions to them.
The very fact that you refer to these two papers shows that Parsees like you are bothered of what is printed in them whereas the Trustees have not responded to any of the posts on th einternet shows the worth of such postings. It is time to put your trust’s working knowlege to test.
The very fact that you refer to these two papers shows that Parsees like you are bothered of what is printed in them whereas the Trustees have not responded to any of the posts on th einternet shows the worth of such postings. It is time to put your trust’s working knowlege to test.
The very fact that you refer to these two papers shows that Parsees like you are bothered of what is printed in them whereas the Trustees have not responded to any of the posts on th einternet shows the worth of such postings. It is time to put your trust’s working knowlege to test.
Why Bpp cannot decide unilaterally to a logical conclusion and construct a new hospital themselves. They have amassed sufficient corpus now. We have very good doctors who can run the hospital efficiently. Lot of Employment opportunities will be given to unemployed people. As it is there are lot of parsees who are unemployed and Bpp is not giving them jobs. They are not helping them to start small scale business. If you go to Bpp asking for a job, they will give you a salary of Rs 1,500/- per month. Recently, a lady peon was offered a salary of Rs 250/- per month in liasion committee office.
Why Bpp cannot decide unilaterally to a logical conclusion and construct a new hospital themselves. They have amassed sufficient corpus now. We have very good doctors who can run the hospital efficiently. Lot of Employment opportunities will be given to unemployed people. As it is there are lot of parsees who are unemployed and Bpp is not giving them jobs. They are not helping them to start small scale business. If you go to Bpp asking for a job, they will give you a salary of Rs 1,500/- per month. Recently, a lady peon was offered a salary of Rs 250/- per month in liasion committee office.
Why Bpp cannot decide unilaterally to a logical conclusion and construct a new hospital themselves. They have amassed sufficient corpus now. We have very good doctors who can run the hospital efficiently. Lot of Employment opportunities will be given to unemployed people. As it is there are lot of parsees who are unemployed and Bpp is not giving them jobs. They are not helping them to start small scale business. If you go to Bpp asking for a job, they will give you a salary of Rs 1,500/- per month. Recently, a lady peon was offered a salary of Rs 250/- per month in liasion committee office.
BPP has still not done anything concrete in last 3 years except increasing court cases and increasing expenses. It is high time they sit down together more often and do something for the welfare of the community. Please stop fighting amongst yourselves and remove unemployment from the community. There are more parsees looking for jobs and an opportunity to
start small business and they are unable to start them.
BPP has still not done anything concrete in last 3 years except increasing court cases and increasing expenses. It is high time they sit down together more often and do something for the welfare of the community. Please stop fighting amongst yourselves and remove unemployment from the community. There are more parsees looking for jobs and an opportunity to
start small business and they are unable to start them.
Still trustees of BPP are sleeping on this matter. They are just doing time pass every tuesday evening eating and chit-chatting in the meeting and not doing anything concrete for the community welfare. Really shameful trustees we have elected.
Still trustees of BPP are sleeping on this matter. They are just doing time pass every tuesday evening eating and chit-chatting in the meeting and not doing anything concrete for the community welfare. Really shameful trustees we have elected.
Still trustees of BPP are sleeping on this matter. They are just doing time pass every tuesday evening eating and chit-chatting in the meeting and not doing anything concrete for the community welfare. Really shameful trustees we have elected.
What is the latest news on this from BPP ??
What is the latest news on this from BPP ??
What is the latest news on this from BPP ??
Can anyone throw light on this topic. As usual., the Trustees cannot blame imaginary Court Cases ‘imposed’ on them in this matter of prime property in Central Business District. No sensible Parsee will oppose if the entire building is converted into a Polyclinic with say fifty percent discount to Parsees or better still reserved hours for consultation for Parsees.
It is said that where there is a will there is a way. The main question that arises here as a result of all this dithering is what exactly are the intents of the Trustees i.e. bonafide or otherwise.The current trustees cannot blame anybody for the waste of invaluable asset of the community. They have been saddle for nearly three years and cannot throw blame on the previous board.
Can anyone throw light on this topic. As usual., the Trustees cannot blame imaginary Court Cases ‘imposed’ on them in this matter of prime property in Central Business District. No sensible Parsee will oppose if the entire building is converted into a Polyclinic with say fifty percent discount to Parsees or better still reserved hours for consultation for Parsees.
It is said that where there is a will there is a way. The main question that arises here as a result of all this dithering is what exactly are the intents of the Trustees i.e. bonafide or otherwise.The current trustees cannot blame anybody for the waste of invaluable asset of the community. They have been saddle for nearly three years and cannot throw blame on the previous board.
Can anyone throw light on this topic. As usual., the Trustees cannot blame imaginary Court Cases ‘imposed’ on them in this matter of prime property in Central Business District. No sensible Parsee will oppose if the entire building is converted into a Polyclinic with say fifty percent discount to Parsees or better still reserved hours for consultation for Parsees.
It is said that where there is a will there is a way. The main question that arises here as a result of all this dithering is what exactly are the intents of the Trustees i.e. bonafide or otherwise.The current trustees cannot blame anybody for the waste of invaluable asset of the community. They have been saddle for nearly three years and cannot throw blame on the previous board.
File an application under RTI
File an application under RTI
File an application under RTI
Does R.T.I. cover Charitable Trusts? Please ‘guide’.
Does R.T.I. cover Charitable Trusts? Please ‘guide’.
Does R.T.I. cover Charitable Trusts? Please ‘guide’.
BPP must immediately decide on top priority and save this property. Otherwise we will loose the same to some unscruplous builder. Tatas can easily invest money and start constructing a posh hospital for parsees and all other communities. parsees can get 75 percent discount on bed and medicines. also 50 percent discount can be given to really needy and poor for doing operations. full charge must be recovered from rich and famous of other communities. BPP can learn something from reliance foundation who has constructed Harkisandas Hospital at Prathna Samaj. Trustees please stop these infighting amongst yourselves and do something for poor and needy parsees for which we elected you.
BPP must immediately decide on top priority and save this property. Otherwise we will loose the same to some unscruplous builder. Tatas can easily invest money and start constructing a posh hospital for parsees and all other communities. parsees can get 75 percent discount on bed and medicines. also 50 percent discount can be given to really needy and poor for doing operations. full charge must be recovered from rich and famous of other communities. BPP can learn something from reliance foundation who has constructed Harkisandas Hospital at Prathna Samaj. Trustees please stop these infighting amongst yourselves and do something for poor and needy parsees for which we elected you.
BPP must immediately decide on top priority and save this property. Otherwise we will loose the same to some unscruplous builder. Tatas can easily invest money and start constructing a posh hospital for parsees and all other communities. parsees can get 75 percent discount on bed and medicines. also 50 percent discount can be given to really needy and poor for doing operations. full charge must be recovered from rich and famous of other communities. BPP can learn something from reliance foundation who has constructed Harkisandas Hospital at Prathna Samaj. Trustees please stop these infighting amongst yourselves and do something for poor and needy parsees for which we elected you.
BPP must immediately decide on top priority and save this property. Otherwise we will loose the same to some unscruplous builder. Tatas can easily invest money and start constructing a posh hospital for parsees and all other communities. parsees can get 75 percent discount on bed and medicines. also 50 percent discount can be given to really needy and poor for doing operations. full charge must be recovered from rich and famous of other communities. BPP can learn something from reliance foundation who has constructed Harkisandas Hospital at Prathna Samaj. Trustees please stop these infighting amongst yourselves and do something for poor and needy parsees for which we elected you.
Go to Charity Commissioner’s office at Worli naka.
BPP has still not done anything concrete in last 3 years except increasing court cases and increasing expenses. It is high time they sit down together more often and do something for the welfare of the community. Please stop fighting amongst yourselves and remove unemployment from the community. There are more parsees looking for jobs and an opportunity to
start small business and they are unable to start them.
Cdhongi, all I am saying is where is everyone of you when the elections are conducted? Why crib after the deed is done?. Why not become a Trustee and show how or what you can do? Why not act instead of just criticising?