Zarathushtra: The Man And The Message by Meheryar Rivetna


April 9, 2021

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Meheryar Rivetna, an active member of the library committee of the Zoroastrian Association of Houston (ZAH), has written and published a book Zarathustra: The Man And The Message. The book aims to dispel the myths pervasive in the Zoroastrian religion. Meheryar provides historical context of how the religion changed from the founding principles of the Prophet Zarathustra.


The book covers a variety of topics from the myths surrounding Zarathustra’s birth and early life, expansion of the religion, the concept of God in the Zoroastrian faith, the meaning of heaven and hell among other topics; it also offers an exegesis of Zarathustra’s inspiring words in the Gathas, all supported by evidence based on the works of eminent scholars and experts in the field. Beyond religious matters, the book highlights the influence of the Zoroastrian religion on other faiths as well as philosophical thought from the early Greek philosophers to modern times. The impact of Zarathustra’s teachings on Western civilization is a fact that is often overlooked and the book provides evidence of how much the Prophet of Iran influenced world thought.

The book costs $10.00 plus postage and handling and can be ordered by writing to Arnavaz Sethna at

Meheryar Rivetna is donating all profits from the sale to the library committee of the ZAH. The ZAH library committee is dedicated to advance knowledge of the Zoroastrian religion, history and culture. The library committee members are also Operations Committee Members of FIRES, the information, research and education arm of FEZANA. (More information on FIRES can be obtained by visiting

For more information on Zarathustra: The Man And The Message, please visit: