Month: February 2022 Articles

The Rise and Fall of the Pioneers of Indian Cinema

Little remains of the thousands of silent features made in early-20th-century India. That doesn’t make the story of how they came to be – and why they disappeared – any less interesting.This is the second article in a series on the history of the...
A piece of Parsi history in Sukkur

A piece of Parsi history in Sukkur

After partition, many Parsi families resided in Sukkur. Creating a piece of history in the form of a Parsi compoundArticle by Sarfaraz Memon | Tribune PakistanSometime in the recent past, there used...

Parsee General Hospital Gets New Dialysis Unit

Parsee General Hospital Gets New Dialysis Unit

The B. D. Petit Parsee General Hospital in Mumbai inaugurated a new Dialysis unit on February 10, 2022. The facility was established from the donations Neville Sarkari made to honour his late mother...

What is Dhansak

What is Dhansak

And more importantly what it is not !! Our dear friend and award winning cookbook author and chronicler of Parsi foods and recipes Niloufer Mavalwala has written about the iconic Parsi Dish Dhansak....

Ba Humata Lecture Series February 2022

Ba Humata Lecture Series February 2022

The February 2022 Ba Humata Lecture Series shall be titledCELEBRATING TOGETHERNESS THROUGH MINDFULNESSAa Airyama Ishyo And Other PrayersSpeakers: Mobedyar Khushroo Mirza (Canada)Moobedyar Dr. Parva...