Month: January 2023 Articles

Byram D Avari, the Parsis of Karachi, and the future of Pakistan

From the original generation of Pakistanis, Avari was a shrewd businessman and a faithful community leader. But what does the Pakistan he leaves behind look like? There is an air that surrounds the Indian subcontinent's Parsi com­ munity. It is...
Byram Dinshawji Avari Passes Away

Byram Dinshawji Avari Passes Away

The Parsi community of Karachi and Pakistan lost one of its great stalwarts on January 22nd, with the passing away of Byram D. Avari. Parsi Khabar offers its deepest condolences to the Avari family...

Rustom Baug Is 100 Years Old

Rustom Baug Is 100 Years Old

Well done, bawa! Rustom Baug smashes a tonne Byculla’s 32-building Parsi housing enclave set to celebrate 100th birthday with year-long events planned by grateful residentsBuildings are being lit up...

Through a lens, gently

Through a lens, gently

The city premiere of Divya Cowasji’s film next month will showcase the best and brightest—and last—of Parsi theatre’s singing stars Veteran stars Bomi and Dolly Dotiwala (centre) practising with...