Mumbai will be host to the 10th World Zoroastrian Congress is to be held in December 2013. Hosted by The Bombay Parsi Punchayat; it will be held from December 27 to 31st 2013.
The website for the Congress is up, but as of date has little information.
The theme of the Congress is
“Zoroastrianism in the 21st Century: Nurturing Growth And Affirming Our Identity”
The logo for the Congress was selected by having an international open competition that was won by Ashdin Lilaowala of Delhi.
A Brief History of Past World Congresses
From its inception in 1960, the World Zoroastrian Congress has evolved over the years to become a physical meeting ground for Zoroastrians from the far corners of the world.
Previous Congresses:
- 1960: Tehran
- 1964: Bombay
- 1978: Bombay
- 1985: Bombay
- 1990: Bombay
- 1996: Tehran
- 2000: Houston
- 2005: London
- 2009: Dubai
The themes of all Congresses have ranged from contact
and cooperation to promoting solidarity.