The Ideal Jawa Yezdi: Motorcycling and the Parsi Connection


March 6, 2013

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Here is a beautiful documentary about the Yezdi motorcycle. Born originally as the Jawa, it was a model made by the legendary Czechoslovakian motorcycle marquee. For decades the Indian motorcycle market consisted of three local manufacturers Rajdoot, Jawa/Yezdi, and Bullet Enfield. And the Jawa/Yezdi was the “cafe racer” of the day.

I remember riding one that was owned by good friend Jehangir Bhoot, and I must say they were fun. Many unique features in the bike including the commom kickstarter/gearshifter.

After the Jawa agreement ended, the Irani family; who were the manufacturers changed the name to Yezdi….and this little know fact is the Zarathushti connection the motorcycle marquee.

Every place has its identity & culture. One of the ways Bangalore is identified is through its Jawa Yezdi subculture.
Jawa Yezdi bikes have always

been an owner’s pride.

Regardless of subcultures being small; always great happiness comes in small packages. Cherish the passion in the Jawa Yezdi subculture for its uniqueness & for its ‘Forever Value’