Kobad Zarolia Represents Zoroastrian Faith at Israel Conference on Ancient Faiths


September 21, 2016

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Ervad Kobad Zarolia was invited to represent Zoroastrians at this Conference held in Jerusalem Israel.  This was the brain child of Bawa Jain Secretary General of World Council of Religious Leaders and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel. Religious Leaders of Eastern Religions were invited to have meeting with Israel  Leaders and Jewish Religion Heads.

imageThe conference titled “Ancient Traditions Contemporary Realities: A Meeting of Israel-Asia Faith Leaders” was held from September 11ht to 15th, 2016 in the ancient city of Jerusalem.

The inauguration of the conference was at the residence of the President of Israel where Ervad Kobad Zarolia was one of the 6 faith leaders invited to give the benediction at the opening.

Ervad Kobad Zarolia was part or a panel discussion on the theme:

Religion and Responsibility:

The Vision of a Just Society Moving from the more general to the specific, this session explores the various perspectives of the religions on questions of human dignity and rights. The religious traditions see themselves as working to improve the human condition, while contemporary society often sees them as a non-­‐ liberal force restraining human empowerment. What can we learn from each other to ensure that our religions live up their most sublime social ideals? How can faith leadership better utilize the deep resources of our traditions to provide answers and vision?

Ervad Kobad Zarolia has been a community and religious leader in North America over the last four decades and more. Residing in the greater Toronto area in Canada, Kobad has held various executive positions at the Zoroastrian Society of Ontario and the Ontario Zoroastrian Community Foundation and has volunteered his time and expertize at FEZANA. He served as immediate Past President of the North American Mobed Council stepping down earlier this summer on the completion of his second term.


The full delegation with H.E. President of Israel



Ervad Kobad Zarolia  with Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Dov Rosen



Ervad Kobad Zarolia with  Hindu and Sikh Delegation at Bahai Gardens in AKKO