– Team WZO Trusts.
Community members are aware that 15 year young Mobed Zahan Turel suffered from burns injuries on 24th October 2020 when his jama caught fire whilst performing the Rapithvan Geh boi ceremony at Goti Adarian, Surat.
Since WZO Trust’s used their good offices to raise funds from institutions and individuals, details of injuries, treatment, donations and expenditures are being shared in the public domain by way of accountability towards donors.

Injuries & Treatment:
After a short stint of a few hours at a local hospital at Surat for immediate treatment Er. Zahan was transferred to Masina Hospital at Mumbai on 25th October 2020 under the care of burns & plastic surgery specialists – Dr. Suhas Abhyankar and Dr. A. M. Vartak.
Er. Zahan was found to have suffered 48.50% severe and deep burns on his entire upper body, neck, both hands, ears. Doctor’s informed that first 3 weeks were critical and saving Zahan from any sort of infection was the only priority. Fortunately his face and legs were not damaged. Doctor conveyed that probably the entire affected body would need skin grafting which would be a very long haul process. Three graftings were expected to be done.
At the time of admission Er. Zahan tested Covid Positive and was immediately moved to Covid ICU for isolation. This hindered treatment for a few days as the plastic surgeon and burns specialist were not allowed to enter COVID ward. After intense treatment his Covid report came negative and was again shifted to Normal ICU on 5th November 2020.
During his stay at Masina Hospital, Er. Zahaan was given treatment which included two skin grafting surgeries performed on 21st November 2020 and 16th December 2020. Er. Zahaan was discharged from Masina Hospital on 4th January 2021.
Post discharge his daily massage and dressings are being done in Mumbai. Currently there are few patches left to be healed which are expected to heal in due course of time.
Daily dressing is still to be done till the skin stabilizes, which is expected to continue for 2 months from the date of discharge.
In the near future Er. Zahan will have to wear pressure garments for two to three years.
Daily occupational therapy is presently being undertaken at Masina Hospital’s Occupational Therapy Centre. He continues to receive regular counseling.
There is every possibility that Er. Zahan may also require reconstructive surgeries and / or cosmetic surgery sometime in the future.
Though Er. Zahan is unable to sit for long period of time, he has decided to appear for his school board exams and has started gradual preparations for the same.
Expenses as on 22nd January 2021:
Rs. 53,000: initial treatment at Surat Hospital.
Rs.30,34,000: treatment at Masina Hospital.
Rs.30,87,000: Total.
Donations & Insurance:
Rs. 6,00,000: From a donor who has paid directly to Masina Hospital.
Rs. 6,00,000: From insurance company.
Rs. 9,00,000: From various donors who have paid directly to Er. Zahan’s family.
Rs. 43,78,781: Raised by WZO Trust’s from donors within India.
Rs. 53,47,941: Raised by WZO Trust’s from donors overseas.
Rs.1,18,26,722: Total
WZO Trust’s are holding Rs.77,26,722 on behalf of funds raised by them and will be handing over the amount soon to Er. Zahan Turel’s family for his continuing treatment, as well as possible further treatment at Shriner’s Children Hospital at Boston (USA) modalities and logistics of which are being worked out.
WZO Trusts profusely thank institutions and individuals who have collectively contributed towards this humanitarian effort and pray that young Zahan will quickly overcome the set back, rejoin the mainstream, continue to serve the community, and be blessed with a sound future.