Zoroastrian Return To Roots Program


May 11, 2013

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The Zoroastrian Return to Roots Program is a new initiative launched by a group of 4 young Zarathushtis resideing all over the world. It is a fantastic program and comes with the oversight of UNESCO-PARZOR.


Below is a write-up sent to us by the team.

We are very excited to announce the launch of Zoroastrian Return to Roots, a program designed to connect youth from all over the world through short (10-14 day) trips of Zoroastrian India, and eventually through Zoroastrian Iran. The inaugural trip will take place in Mumbai and Gujarat, India from Dec 27th 2013-Jan 8th 2014, and it will include participation at the World Zoroastrian Congress.

We are currently accepting applications for youth who would like to participate in the inaugural trip. We have 20 slots available. We are looking for mature young Zoroastrians from all over the world who are poised to become leaders in their local and national associations. The trip is heavily subsidized for participants: financial considerations should not discourage anyone from applying. Furthermore, we are positioned to arrange visas for participants regardless of nationality, offering otherwise non-existent opportunities to our Pakistani and Iranian brothers and sisters.

Return to Roots is supervised and maintained under the umbrella of UNESCO-PARZOR. We are affiliated with the Bombay Parsi Panchayat and FEZANA. We also enjoy the support of many private individuals and local associations. If you would like to make a donation, please contact us or follow the directions on our website (http://zororoots.org/partners/). We have title sponsorships available.

To apply, please go here: www.zororoots/apply/

Also, please like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ZoroastrianReturnToRootsProgram

If you have any questions, please ask on facebook or email us at zororoots@gmail.com

Thank you,

The Roots Team

We wish the program all the success and look forward to interacting with the participants at the 10th World Zoroastrian Congress in Mumbai this December 2013.