Surat-based Yezdi Karanjia drama group, which is due to mark its Golden Jubilee this year, will perform a Parsi comedy play “Kutra Ni Punchdi Vanki” in Karachi, where the troupe comprising mostly Parsis landed two days ago on a trip to meet their families.
Veteran theatre artiste Yezdi Karanjia, who is leading the 10-member troupe, will entertain Gujarati-speaking communities like Parsis, Memons and Kutchis settled largely in and around Karachi. This is the first time that the Parsi theatre troupe has been invited in Pakistan.
Last year, Yezdi performed the same drama in New Jersey in US. Besides Gujaratis, a few Pakistanis were also present there. One of them called up Yezdi later asking him to bring his troupe to Pakistan. The theatre group will return to Surat on November 12.
Yezdi’s daughter Maharukh Karanjia said, “We have family members staying in Karachi since long. My father has gone to attend some family function there and will also stage his play. I also wanted to go but could not, due to my tight schedule.” The comedy play, which touches upon social aspects, is written and directed by Yezdi. The story revolves around a Parsi couple and there are 10 characters in the play. The act was earlier written by Dhansukhlal Mehta and titled as “Bicharo Burjor” and was adapted by Dr Ratan Marshal. Yezdi rewrote it, spiced it with more humour and modified the script with a new title “Kutra Ni Puchdi Vanki”.
According Maharukh Karanjia, the Yezdi Karanjia group is celebrating its Golden Jubilee this year and has planned more comedies for the people of Surat laugh. Yezdi’s younger brother Mehernosh, his wife and children are also part of the troupe that has lined up three three shows for people in Karachi.