The designer's new edit, Fragments of Time, is replete with the famed Parsi Gara embroidery depicted in modern...
Month: November 2024 Articles
Udvada, The Iranshah, and Rebirth: Ervad Sheherazad Pavri In Conversation
In the third episode of Season 2, Zoroverse features Ervad Sheherazad Pavri, a prominent, celebrated priest in the...
Sheroo Kanga Spearheads Another Successful St. Judes Walk in 2024
Our dearest friend Sheroo Kanga a long time resident of New Jersey and a lifelong active member of the Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York (ZAGNY) has led a team in the Annual St. Judes...
Surat’s Parsi Family Opens Darshan For 199-Year-Old Turban of Lord Swaminarayan
When Lord Swaminarayan visited Surat in 1881, he presented his turban and Shriphal to Parsi Kotwal Ardesar. The turban has remained with the Parsi family for 199 yearsThe turban is displayed...
Ratan Tata, Noel Tata and their lineage to Tata Group founder Jamshedji Tata
Ratan Tata, Noel Tata related to Tata Group founder Jamshedji Tata? New book claims their father was…Navajbai Tata, the wife of Sir Ratan Tata -- Jamshedji's second son-- had adopted Naval Tata...
New Study of ‘Passover Letter’ May Change What We Know About the Birth of Judaism
The 2,400-year-old papyrus from Elephantine, touted as the earliest evidence for Pesach, may in fact reference Zoroastrian-influenced rituals, Israeli scholar concludesThe fragment of the 'Passover...
Century-Old Visitors’ Pavilion At Doongarwadi – Tower Of Silence In Malabar Hill Restored
The Panday Pavilion, named after the family that originally built it, is one of the two seating areas in the cemetery for non-Parsis. The pavilion, and another structure restored earlier, are part...
Zoroastrian Association of California Celebrates 50th Anniversary
The Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC) celebrated its 50th anniversary on October 12th with the theme: Preserving Heritage, Inspiring Generations: Keepers of the Everlasting Flame. Under a...