Parsis to organise matrimonial meet in Bardoli, Gujarat.


November 11, 2010

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To promote marriages within community and arrest the decline in population, the Parsi community in the state has decided to hold a two-day matrimonial meet at Bardoli. The meet has been organised to mark 125 years of Bardoli Agiyari (Fire temple).

By Dhwani Pathak / Ahmedabad Mirror

The organisers expect 145 young Parsis, including 65 girls, from across the state to take part in the meet which will be held on November 21 and 22. A few of the participants are likely to arrive from Mumbai and Pune, too.

“The event has been organised to commemorate 125 years of our Fire temple in Bardoli. It is also aimed at encouraging young people to marry within the community to tackle population crisis.  The Parsi population has dropped to 69,000 in 2001 from 1,14,000 in 1941,” Bardoli Jarthosti Anjuman trustee and honorary secretary Parvez Mehta said. 

The maximum age for a candidate to register for the meet is 38 years.

“We have arranged for counselling sessions for youngsters which will help them take a decision. We target to materialise maximum marriage through this event,” Mehta said.

Parsis: A notified national minority

The community is one of the five notified national minorities. A National Commission for Minorities (NCM) report has recommended that the community should reverse the trend of late marriages or no marriages.

The NCM report also highlights the average birth rate in the community which has dipped significantly in the recent years. 

From 223 births in 2001, it came down to 174 in 2006. Till August 2007, the total number of births in the community was just 99.

“No marriage is the highest among the Parsis, especially among Parsi females,” the study reveals.  ]

The survey had also pointed out a large number of Parsis are aged. Thirty per cent of the total population are above 50, while the number of adolescents and children remained just around 12 per cent.


  1. Icchaporia.

    Can any one give estimated Parsi population living in Bardoli.
    Many Thanks in advance.

  2. Icchaporia.

    Can any one give estimated Parsi population living in Bardoli.
    Many Thanks in advance.

  3. chillparsi

    Kudos to the Parsi community for taking this step and providing the youngsters of the community an opportunity to meet one another.
    To the youngsters attending the function I say, “Do not go there with the intention of finding a life-partner, but rather with the intention of making new friends and meeting new individuals of the opposite sex. Go out there, enjoy yourselves and take it from there.”
    “If you find someone that you are interested in, follow-up and see where it leads to. If it leads to marriage so much the better. If it does not at least you will have made a new friend of the opposite sex. Relax, enjoy yourselves and have a blast! All this fabulous advice of course is coming from a bawa from Bombay who has been married (to a Parsi) for over a quater century and still enjoying life!”
    Cheers! Have a Parsi peg (if you like your daily dose of ‘tonic’).
    Good Luck. God Bless.
    Dr. Cyrus B. Toorkey, Ph.D.
    New Jersey, USA

  4. mehernoshkapadia

    Dear Organizers,

    I sincerely believe there are many over forty and upto sixty ( i know some of them ) who are looking for partners. Hense my humble request not to have any age limit.
    God Bless Our Community

  5. chillparsi

    Kudos to the Parsi community for taking this step and providing the youngsters of the community an opportunity to meet one another.
    To the youngsters attending the function I say, “Do not go there with the intention of finding a life-partner, but rather with the intention of making new friends and meeting new individuals of the opposite sex. Go out there, enjoy yourselves and take it from there.”
    “If you find someone that you are interested in, follow-up and see where it leads to. If it leads to marriage so much the better. If it does not at least you will have made a new friend of the opposite sex. Relax, enjoy yourselves and have a blast! All this fabulous advice of course is coming from a bawa from Bombay who has been married (to a Parsi) for over a quater century and still enjoying life!”
    Cheers! Have a Parsi peg (if you like your daily dose of ‘tonic’).
    Good Luck. God Bless.
    Dr. Cyrus B. Toorkey, Ph.D.
    New Jersey, USA

  6. mehernoshkapadia

    Dear Organizers,

    I sincerely believe there are many over forty and upto sixty ( i know some of them ) who are looking for partners. Hense my humble request not to have any age limit.
    God Bless Our Community

  7. apustad

    Congratulations and Good Luck Organisers,

    Positive step in organising such a meet for the parsis. We do need them and if we have 2-3 of these types every year, surely we can increase our population. As stated by Dr. Toorkey, go with an open mind and enjoy and do not forget the objective of the meet.

    Once again congratulations to the organisers and your efforts won’t go in vain.

    Good Luck and God Bless.

    Aspi P. Ustad
    Vancouver, Canada

  8. apustad

    Congratulations and Good Luck Organisers,

    Positive step in organising such a meet for the parsis. We do need them and if we have 2-3 of these types every year, surely we can increase our population. As stated by Dr. Toorkey, go with an open mind and enjoy and do not forget the objective of the meet.

    Once again congratulations to the organisers and your efforts won’t go in vain.

    Good Luck and God Bless.

    Aspi P. Ustad
    Vancouver, Canada