Bawibride: Journey into Parsi Cooking


July 12, 2013

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Perzen Darukhanawalla Patel is a newly married “bawi”. And as she informs us below, is now blogging about life after marriage, with a major thrust on the ultimate essence of Parsidom….food !!


Perzen writes….

I’ve basically started a new blog – the Bawi Bride on Why? I discovered after recently getting married that few brides (including myself) know how to make the Parsi basics at home. While previously we could rely on calling our moms and grannies, sadly we can’t do that anymore with a lot of us living in different locations.

The blog therefore documents my quest in creating a legacy of daily Parsi cooking to leave behind for our digitally nurtured bawa generations…


and further elaborates

…And now, here I am 26, a freshly minted Bawi Bride, away from my mom in another country with no idea how to cook the Parsi delicacies my man (and ofcourse I) grew up with.

I realised though that I am probably not alone. The love for Parsi food, I think is conversely proportional to the size of our community. Despite this love, there are hundreds of brides each year in a similar situation as me with no idea how to cook the food we love as the recipes that were always passed through the generations are hard to get/learn as we move away thousands of miles away from our parents.  So, as I learn to cook my Parsi favourites by wading through the Jamwa Chalo Ji’s of Katy Dalal and my hastily scribbled food notes (made thanks to midnight Skype calls with mom) I decided to document my journey.

The hope is that all us Bawi Brides can learn to cook these traditional delicacies together. Follow me on my journey and share your Parsi favourites too so we can leave back a legacy of our traditions for the next generations of Bawi Brides to follow. Something they can Google this time around… [link]

So hop on over to and check out Perzan’s adventures.
