Marazban Erucshah Wadia Enthralls with Music and Song


February 20, 2020

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Our dear friend and eminent Parsi historian and author Marzban Giara sends us the following update

Watch the  80 years young Marazban Eruchshah Wadia sing and dance to some of the songs composed by him. He is the President of Davier anjuman. Davier has a dadgah fire and a dharamshala. The first song is  Haalo, haalo Davier Gam jaiye. Marazban is a behdin pasban and has served at various dadgah fires. He still plays cricket and takes part in the 5 mile Mumbai Marathon for senior citizens every year. He has in 2008 recorded a music album O Mazdayasni Baste kustiano The next song is Udwada gaamno mahima gavaay Son of a poor Parsi farmer who had six sons and four daughters. His family members live in Umbargaon since 1867.

He entertained us at WZO Senior Citizens Centre at Navsari on Saturday 8th February 2020 for an hour.

In the last video Bapsy Marzban Giara sings the late Ervad Adi Mirza’s song Satyano sacho raah batave enu naam te bawaji

Marzban Giara