Month: October 2023 Articles

Zoroastrian Fire Temple in Hyderabad Affected by Sewage Backflow Amid Hotel Expansion

Mumbai: Proposed Dandiya Event At Doongerwadi Stirs Up Debate

Faith and festivity: Durga Puja through the eyes of Kolkata’s Zoroastrian community

This Hindu-Zoroastrian wedding in Tuscany was a celebration of culture, food and music

Mumbai’s Parsi sahibs have an inconvenient secret—tribal cousins in distant Gujarat villages

Soli Sorabjee was secular, an independent Attorney General and strong opponent of hate speech: Justice KV Viswanathan

In The Heart Of Secunderabad Lies A 176-YO Parsi Temple With Splendour Architecture & History

Facets of Faith: Ancient religion Zoroastrianism set to celebrate a special time for thanking God

Parsi Wells in Navsari become Rainwater Harvesting Tanks

Ashdeen Brings the Parsi Gara Experience to London

Lord Karan Bilimoria: ‘I sold beer from my car boot. Now I’m in the House of Lords’

One Woman’s Fight for Justice & Equality in Historic Bombay: Book Review

Toronto Zoroastrians Begin Construction at the OZCF Place of Worship

16 Parsis take part in the Himalayan Challenge Drive 2023

Parsi Delicacies in the USA

Threads: A Decade Of Ashdeen: 13 Indian women and the Parsi Garas they wore

Majestic Naqsh-e Rostam under threat from climate change

‘Am I going to feel anything?’: Young Zoroastrians reconnect with their faith

Dadar Parsee Gymkhana Membership Dispute: ‘Nobody seems to want to do anything in our case’