Month: April 2013 Articles

Potential Radiation from Cell Phone Towers Cause Panic in Dadar Parsi Colony
Registration Opens for 10th World Zoroastrian Congress 2013

Ava Jesia: Tower
Refresher Program for Ervads, Ostas, Behdins and Pasbaans at the Cama Athornan In Mumbai
Call for Award Nominations: 10th World Zoroastrian Congress

So, what is on your plate today?
Bhicoo Manekshaw: A Tribute

Frohar Foundation Presents A Zoroastrian Odyssey

Bhicoo Manekshaw Passes Away

The Lord Family: Parsi Musicians in Hindi Movies
Parsi Punchayet dangles carrots to lure children into priesthood
Parsis offer better benefits for more priests

Shiamak Davar: The Mumbai/New York Photo Project: Music and Dance

Dinshaw Vimadalal: Cathedral School Alumni
Lonely Community Elders Beware: BPP Press Release

Mumbai to Get a Drama School
Lady Jehangir Kothari Memorial Hall: Bangalore's own Tudor Taj Mahal

Sam Balsara: Madison is much more important than money
The Cyrus Cylinder Arrives in the USA

Revisit The Parsi Natak
WZOT India Senior Citizen Center Navsari: An Overview in 2013

Indian millionaire takes out advert looking for “slim, childless, meat-eating wife”
World Zoroastrian Organisation Trust India: 2012 Overview of Activities

Iranian Anjuman Trust Ousts President and is Opposed to Palghar Land Deal with Bhai Thakur
Outside the homeland, inside the community?
Forgotten by Sanjay Dutt,Kersi Adajania faces year in jail for helping him

80-year-old priest jumps to death from south Mumbai building

Remembering Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw on his 100th Birthday

Dinshah Vimadalal: Who wants to marry a Millionaire ?

Meet Headmistress Parvin Rabadi of Mama Parsi School in Karachi