Art Articles

Containing Multitudes: Exhibition ‘Hearts On Fire’ Explores Evolving Parsi Identities

Remembering Sam Tata

Shireen Isal: The Parisian impresario from Bombay

Guajira: Flamenco by Behnaz Khushrokhan

Prints For Hope: Divya Cowasji

Painting with a Needle: Dr. Shernaz Cama and the work of PARZOR

Jimmy Engineer talks about major artistic achievement Javid Namah mural

How the Parsee gara, or sari, has Chinese influences and history woven into its fabric

A paradox revealed through portraiture

Fish Meets Grill, a solo exhibition by Veera Rustomji

A maestro dips into nostalgia

How Kipling wove a Parsi into his fantasy tale

The past is a strange country: The paintings of Katayun Saklat

Through the stained glass, vividly

Astad is gone, but is more alive than ever

Dance pioneer Astad Deboo passes away in Mumbai

Video Honours famous Pakistani Artist Jimmy Fali Engineer

Remembering Jehangir Sabavala, the versatile nonconformist

These landscapes from Jehangir Sabavala’s new solo reveal the luminous beauty of his art

This Artwork Changed My Life: Pestonji Bomanji’s “Feeding the Parrot”

The Wadia Way: Architect Dinyar Wadia Talks About the Process of Design

The Collectors: Chemould Prescott Road Gallery

Astad Deboo Shares a Message

Hand painted Glass Art by Binaifer Medhora Mehta

Artistic lineage: Chronicling The Legacy Of Khorshed and Kekoo Gandhy.

Areez Katki: Bildungsroman at the Otago Museum

Rustom Siodia: A Forgotten Master

The timeless legacy of Parsis: One photographer’s attempt at preserving the Parsi heritage

Into the golden age: Celebrating 50 years of NCPA

Artist Anaheez Karbhari Is Capturing The Experience Of Being A Zoroastrian Woman In India

The dancer’s guide to hitchhiking: Astad Deboo

Jimmy Engineer selected for Habib Jalib Peace Award

Architect Sarosh Anklesaria Wins 2019 Richard Rogers Fellowship

Astad Deboo’s Astonishing Back-bends

Jimmy Engineer: “The servant of Pakistan”

Textile artist Areez Katki retraces his family’s odyssey

Blessed By The Light: Zubin Balaporia Exhibition at BARO

How JRD Tata came up with a marketing strategy that ran through Tata ads for nearly a century

An artist who approached the work of painting like a campaign: Mehlli Gobhai (1931-2018)

Artist Mehlli Gobhai passes away

Dancing on the edge: In conversation with Astad Deboo

Jimmy Engineer promotes Pakistan soft image thru creative art in Canada

Ashdeen Lilaowala on his love for Parsi Gara

Famous ballet teacher Tushna Dallas dies at 76

Mudras In Motion: The Unpindownable Mastery of Astad Deboo

Astad Deboo wins Lifetime Legend Award for his pioneering work in contemporary dance

Astad Deboo Conferred the Yangnaraman Living Legend Award

Astad Deboo never fails to surprise

In London, This Artist Rebuilt a Mythical Sculpture Destroyed by ISIS